The Science

The idea that an animal would actually use tools to induce fire (the platinum on the teeth) was what ruined the science in the film for me. There is only one other case of animals using tools besides humans, & that is the chimpanzee. The idea that a creature with such a small brain (as its 'cousin' the dinosaur) could be capable of such complex thought is too ridiculous.

The evolutionary theory behind the film was also quite flawed & misrepresentative of the actual theory but was at least a little better.

Bad, bad, bad

How the heck scientists determine an elaborate mating ritual caused those scorch marks on the rocks? I laughed so loud at that part.

Oh god, and the acting! I really enjoy cheesy films, but the major flaw of this film is that it actually tried to take itself seriously.

I can't believe they consulted actual scientists for this film. I bet they were embarrased to be associated with the movie after seeing the final product.

My view of the Animal Planet as a semi-credible and semi-reliable source of information is pretty much dashed by their association with the movie.

I guess the only redeeming thing about this film was the subject matter & the CGI was pretty cool.

I never thought I'd see a worse film than Chupacabra, but I was wrong. Its a rare film that can make you actually feel mentally violated, but this one managed to do it.


Look up bombardier beetle and pistol shrimp. Both use mechanisms that are almost like breathing fire, and they are very strange. Who's to say that there isn't another oddity of nature out there that can actually breath fire. Also, the angler fish or archer fish don't really remember the name, is capable of doing intense trigonometric calculations and recalculations in thousandths of a second to hit their targets, and they are FISH, which certainly have less brain capacity than your average crocodile. There is also a spider that uses air bubbles as a tool to survive, it creates a trapped air bubble under the water using its hairs. This allows the spider to hunt underwater, and then return to its air bubble to breath. Do some research, animals can pull off some amazing things. And never forget that humans are animals too.
