Any updates?

Intrigued by the Patrick Bauchau casting - any updates or news? Read the book a long time ago.


I just saw the film as a part of the San Francisco LGBT Film Festival. It's absolutely fantastic, and Patrick Bauchau's role is great. The director was there also, and he said that the film is still in talks to find distribution. Hopefully after it got such a great reception at the festival, it shouldn't have any trouble finding a distibution and be out in at least limited release soon.


all i can tell you is that the film is playing during the melbourne international film festival. probably wont help you though, as you're probably american and it's an OZ festival!


I went to see this movie at the Melbourne International Film Festival last night. It was great. And most of the audience are gay though this is not a gay & lesbian film festival.
The acting was great, and we enjoy the film. Joey makes me think about QAF as well.
Well done.
Wondering if there's a DVD of this film in the market.


It won't be released for a theatrical run until 2007, so a DVD will probably be available sometime next summer. My guess is that it will continue to do the festival circuit before that though.


I saw this film at Gay Pride in Salt Lake City this past June. I loved it. I hope it opens up for a wider release. It is horrible that gay movies don't have a larger audience. Brokeback mountain being the only exception.


Considering the overall poor quality of this movie it's no mystery why it'll never reach beyond the loyal gay fan base of people who are ready to waist 90 minutes time and time again just because a movie has a gay theme. (sadly enough I haven't learned my lesson yet either)

Brokeback was a great film, hence the larger audience. Boy Culture however is not imo.


The film will begin a limited release, starting March 23, 2007 in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The film will go wider in mid-April.

The film has its fans and those who don't like it so much, so this is your chance to find out for yourself!

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