My wierd F29D dream!

Last night i was watching f29d like usual & the episode that was playing was Mazeathon. so when i went to sleep later that night i had the most strangest dream that featured the characters of f29d. so im going to tell you my dream:

Three months after the castaways were rescued they all gathered at Taylor's huge Malibu house for a huge f29d sleepover(ONLY THE SEVEN THAT WERE ON THE BEACH WERE AT THE SLEEPOVER). Taylor asked Daley to organize the festivities while lex layed out the sleeping bags & asked Nathan to go to the local market to pick up some tasty snacks. Melissa decided to go with Nathan to help him pick out the snacks. Meanwhile Taylor saw that Eric was coming downstairs from the bathroom & Jackson was chilling out on the sofa listing to music on his mp3 player so she asked both of them if they could go to the video store & rent a couple of movies. As usual Eric invented some lousy excuse to get out of doing the chore, but Jackson gave him a look that meant trouble if Eric wouldn't go, so Eric stopped his excuses and headed out the door. Just before they left Taylor gave Jackson a very sweet & flirty thank you smile but Jackson saw the smile & ignored it & walked away which made Taylor feel rejected.

On the ride to the video store Eric made Jackson confess his feelings for Taylor.

Eric: Dude I saw that smile Taylor gave you before we left.
Jackson: I thought you were on your way to the car, how did you see the smile?
Eric: Cuz I peeked through the side window!
Jackson: Okay so you saw the smile! BIG DEAL! Whats your point?
Eric: My point is that you two have a thing going on don't you? Am I right?
Jackson: What are you talking about? We dont have a thing going on! I don't
even like her like that!
Eric: Oh come on Jackson, the whole mystery guy act is up! I can so tell you
digg her! You two have been flirting since we've been on the island! &
Plus you know that she has feelings for you so that gives you more
reasons to be into her. Just admit it, You Like Taylor!
Jackson: I don't like her.
Eric: Sure you don't!
Jackson: I'm telling you I don't like her!
Eric: Oh yeah you don't like her but you're gonna keep on flirting with her.
You're not telling me the truth cuz you don't wanaa her Melissa's
feelings. But don't worry I wont tell her anything, I'll just let her
wait & see you & Taylor "Smiling" together! Dude I so Totally know your
Eric: Okay, Okay, you don't have to pop my ear drum chief!
Jackson: Sorry Eric but you were driving me insane!
Eric: Yeah Whatever! But I just don't get why you don't like her I mean shes
blond, popular, and smoking hott! All i know is that if a girl like her
is into me I wouldn't hold back on a chance like that!
Jackson: Listen Eric, do you want to know the truth?
Eric: Duh!!!! Thats what I've wanted to know all along!
Jackson: Taylor might seem like an air-head, but sometimes when I was alone
with her on the island, I saw that there was a special girl deep down
inside of her & I guess thats what made me have feelings for her. But
I didn't want to admit it cuz I know how much Melissa likes me & I
didn't want to hurt her.
Eric: So you don't want to make anything official between you & Taylor so you
wont hurt Melissa's feelings. WOW! sounds like a dilema! So since your
not with Taylor....................... can I have her?
Jackson: Yeah, I DON'T THINK SO! plus shes not some kind of left-over pizza,
shes a human with feelings too.
Eric: Oh Touchy Touchy! calm down Mr. I-don't-wanna-share!
Jackson: Whatever dude just don't tell Taylor, Melissa, or anyone else!
Eric: No problemo chief! My lips are sealed!

An hour later, everyone was back from running thier airrands. Daley made the popcorn & served the pizza, Taylor was serving the sodas, & Melissa was setting the table. After they were done the feast began & everyone began to chow down. From outside you could hear talking, laughing,& even singing. They all reminised on all the things they did on the island like the mazeathon & chilloween. After dinner was over the gang sat on Taylor's huge & soft sofa to watch movies, something they couldn't do on the island. The popcorn was ready so Melissa helped Daley put it in small bowls for everyone while taylor was making her special mocha chocolate milk. When the popcorn was handed to everyone, Taylor started to hand out the chocolate milk. When she got to Jackson he was sitting in the back of the living room. She handed him the cup & she stood there with a smile as if she were waiting on Jackson to admit he liked her but all Jackson gave her was a simple thanks & started to drink his milk.

As Nathan was about to reach for the pack of movies that Eric & Jackson rented a bright lightning slashed through the sky followed by a loud & roaring thunder.

Nathan: Uh-oh! That doesn't sound good!
Daley: Yeah I heard on the news today that a big storm was passing by.
Melissa: Well good thing were having a sleepover & not a camp-out!
Lex: I'll get the candles ready just incase of a black-out!
Daley: Good thinking!
Melissa: So what movies did you guys rent? The Notebook?
Eric: NO! I wasn't going to rent some sappy love story!
Daley: Ok how about Bruce Almighty?
Eric: They sold out!
Lex: How about the Spongebob Movie? I love Mr.Krabs!
Eric: Does it look like I own Superman underwear?
Lex: Yes!
Eric: Ha Ha! Very Funny! BITE ME!
Taylor: Oh Eric did you get Mean Girls? Linsay Lohan is my idol!
Eric: (SARCASTIC)Yeah I got Mean Girls. & after we watch the movie we can get
our nails done!
Taylor: Sounds like fun. I'll get my nail polish!
Eric: I was kidding!
Taylor: What do you mean?
Daley: He means he didn't get Mean Girls!
Taylor: Well that sucks!
Nathan: Okay did you get Misson Imposible 3? Star Wars? Harry Potter? Heck
I'll even go for the Wizard of Oz!
Eric: No, no, no, & noooooo! But I got something even better!
Melissa: So what is it?
Eric: Ready?!? BORAT!!
Taylor: So your saying that I have to sit here for an hour & listen to
"Very Nice"?
Eric: Actually its two hours.
Daley: Eric have you thought that Lex too young to see this movie?
Eric: Relax Daley! I rented him a Donkey Kong video game. He can play with it
while were watching the movie!
Nathan: What makes you think that we are going to watch that movie?
Eric: Cuz its funny!
Melissa: & plain stupid!
Daley: Taylor did you send Eric alone to rent movies?
Taylor: No I sent Jackson with him too!
Daley: Jackson please tell me that you picked better movies than this right?
Jackson: I rented Spider-Man, Pirates of the Carribean 2, John Tucker Must Die,
& for Lex I got the Spongebob movie.
Melissa: Thank goodness!
Daley: Well we better start watching some movies before the power goes out!

The first movie the gang watched was Spider-Man. Around the middle of the movie the rain started to get really heavy & the thunder was making the movie harder to hear. Taylor saw that Jackson was still sitting in the back of the living room so she grabbed two pillows & two blankets & headed his way. She offered him the pillow & the blanket which he accepted only because Taylor's air conditioning was put on full blast. He nodded his shivering head as a sign of thank you. Taylor quickly placed her pillow near him & sat down with her blanket. Jackson's surprised expression on his face gave Taylor the feeling that he wasn't expecting that.

Taylor began to talk to Jackson.

Taylor: Do you need more blankets?
Jackson: No thanks. One is enough.
Taylor: Oh Okay. If you need anything let me know.
Jackson: Um okay.
Taylor smiles
Jackson: That chocolate milk you made was great.
Taylor: Thanks! Its my special mocha chocolate milk. I've been making it since
I was five for my tea parties.
Jackson: Cool. But it was really good. Im not used of chocolate milk, see my
mom never really had the time to make me any of those treats. I was
even lucky if we had water & ice.
Taylor: Sounds like you've had it pretty tough.
Jackson: Yeah but I lived through it, besides the whole being stranded thing
was pretty tough too.
Taylor: Tell me about it! That was a nightmare!
Jackson: But we made it through & came out alive!
Taylor: Thats true!
Jackson: This whole sleep-over thing was a cool idea. I mean since we've gotten
rescued we've all been busy trying to catch up with our normal lives.
This brought the whole gang back together!
Taylor: It brought you & I back together.

Taylor stared deeply into Jackson's brown eyes which made him fall week for her & stare into her eyes too. They must have been thinking the same thing because they both gently reached to hold hands. Jackson was so caught up in the moment he didn't realize what he told Eric earlier that day about Melissa. Jackson's mind was lost into Taylor's eyes that he had forgot about the movie. Jackson moved in on Taylor & kissed her lips so gently that no one heard them in the back. Suddenly a bright lightning came from behind the house causing Melissa to turn back quickly with fright which is when she saw Jackson & Taylor locking lips. BAM!!!! another lighting caused the power to go out leaving the gang in the dark. Melissa was so mad that she grabbed the nearest flashlight that lex had put out & ran upstairs crying. The gang heard someone crying & thought that someone got hurt, but Jackson knew that the forbidden kiss between Taylor & him was cause of Melissa's tears.

Nathan hurried to the backyard to find the genorator that Taylor's parents had. He pulled on the wet string & started up the gas-filled machine which brought power back to the house. Now the gang could see the light again. Daley decided to go upstairs to see if the person crying had went that way. When she got upstairs she immediatley heard crying coming from the bathroom. She banged loudly on the door to see if someone would answer.

Bang Bang Bang

Daley: Who is in there? Are you okay?
Voice: Leave me alone!
Daley: Melissa?!? Is that you?
Melissa: I don't want to talk to anyone right now!
Daley: Please Mel let me in! Whats wrong? Tell me!
Melissa: I don't want to talk about it! Just go away! PLEASE!

Daley ran down the stairs to tell everyone who was the one that was crying.

Daley: It's Melissa! Shes in the bathroom & wont let me in!
Nathan: Is she hurt?
Daley: I don't really know! By the way she sounds, she might be mad. But at
Nathan: I've known Mel forever. She'll talk to me. Let me go talk to her.

As Nathan ran upstairs, Eric went to go talk to Jackson.

Eric: Why do I have a feeling that Melissa is mad at you? Did you hook up with
Jackson: She caught us kissing!
Eric: Whoa! Dude that is so awsome............... except for the fact that she
caught you!
Jackson: Eric don't rubb it in! I already feel as bad as it is!
Eric: Sorry chief but you're the one who got frisky with Taylor!
Jackson: Eric Shut-up!
Eric: Okay, okay!
Jackson: Look I'm gonna go to the garage & sit there for a while to get away
from all the drama.
Eric: The drama that you started?!?
Jackson: Whatever!
Eric: You're not even gonna talk to Mel?
Jackson: I would but i'm probably the last person she would want to talk to

As Jackson goes down the old garage, Nathan finally gets Melissa to talk. She confesses to Nathan why she is so mad. Nathan is so furious that Jackson has broken the heart of his best friend, that he rushes downstairs to settle some business with Jackson.

Jackson: Nathan Stay out of it!
Nathan: You knew how much she liked you! How could you do this to her?
Jackson: Nathan this is none of your business!
Nathan: Yes it is! Mel is my best friend! & now i'm standing up for her!
Jackson: Stay off my back!
Nathan: I'm not letting you do this to her! How dare you go behind her back &
break her heart like that! How could you Jackson? Why do this to Mel?
What has she ever done to you? I never even knew you were into Taylor!
Jackson: Leave me alone!!!
Nathan: NO! You broke Mel's heart & now i'm just going to break you!

Jackson grabbed a small old television set that was laying on the garage floor & threw it towards Nathan's head! Everyone heard the loud noise & headed towards the garage.

Eric: Holy cow!
Daley: Why Jackson? Why?!?
Lex: Daley.......... i'm scared!
Daley: Lex go upstairs where you'll be safe!
Taylor: How could you take this so far Jackson? You injured Nathan! For all we
know, you could have killed him!

AND THATS WHEN I WOKE UP! I know it all didn't make sense but remember this was a dream i had, and no one ever said that dreams make sense. It was so weird to see Jackson & Taylor together. Thank goodness it was just a dream! sorry it was long but it was a very long dream! tell me if you like it! maybe you can come up with your very own ending to the story!


That was an awfully long and detailed dream. sounded sort of like a fanfic


Sorry it was so long! & it wasnt a fanfic, it was an actual dream but i just made it more detailed so the readers could be more entertained. See I like to write stories so i practiced on my dream that i had of f29d. but hope u liked it!


okay, ehum xD That was good, and a little out of character *but hey, it's a dream, and in a dream anything can happen xD*..


whoa. that was so long and detailed. normally when i have a dream, i dont remember details like that. hahha. but thanks for posting, i was bored and needed something to read. but yeah, i think you kinda got erics character dead on.

-- l.o.v.e <3


Yeah after watching the show like everytime its on, Eric's sarcasm kind of stuck on me.
