The movie page is up!

Incase people didn't notice, the 29 Down movie page is up on this site. There's unfortunately no info on it but I hope it will be updated soon!



On here

Izzy Daniels: [to Mary] Come on with the come on!


it has no info wuts-so-ever tho


OMG I cant wait when is it gonna be what the hell am i gonna do


I can't wiate!


Does anyone know what channel it's coming on. DK doesn't show movies

Izzy Daniels: [to Mary] Come on with the come on!


They showed the Strange Days "movie".

Dreams are just the beginning. All we need now is a power source. You will do just fine.


yea but corbin bleu isnt credited and they dont have a summary

Stop reading my signature


I saw that too. I'm like why happens to him? Does he like go missing or die or something?! I could see that, he gets like 'beat up' in almost every episode. Then again it does not go really with a G rating....well it could I guess. You know what I'm getting at! :]


No, he's already confirmed that he is in it, IMDb just hasn't gotten all the info yet.

DK won't let anyone die, we all know that...

The Strange Days movie wasn't really a movie at all, and supposedly the 29 down one is supposed to be a feature length film...
So I still don't know if it will be played on DK...

I kinda lost most faith in DK, so all my posts may sound pessimistic, but I just don't see fit to get all excited about this movie, especially after seeing the way they ended Strange Days...



If Corbin and Lauren are in the movie, she probably has to be.
They can't just focus on Jackson, Mel, Eric, and Abby...they have to do something with the other 4 also.
I'm guessing those 8 are all definitely gonna be in it.


i don't wanna spoil anything but, as you can see form the crediting, everyone who was on the plane is in the movie... meaning, there are either flashbacks or everyone gets back together.

Dreams are just the beginning. All we need now is a power source. You will do just fine.


thew movie is suppose to be on Nickeloden. I don't know if thats true but I did some deep research and thats what I found!

A dream is a wish your heart makes!


Where did u see that? Because there was a quick ad on DK when Corbin says to watch him in the 29 Down movie on DK.


I watch the show on Family channel. so I have no idea when the movie will air.
I have DK but hardly ever see F29D on it. =\
