MovieChat Forums > Flight 29 Down (2005) Discussion > I think the powers that be tried to make...

I think the powers that be tried to make Abby look tough, but....

...she came off as a b*tch instead.

I get why the group had to split, but Abby didn't have to be so mean and condescending about it.

I hope she'll improve in the movie. Too bad we have to wait until September to find out.


The first time Abby came back she was ok. She just felt distant and out of place considering the relationship everyone formed after the crash in which she wasn't involved with. Now I'll make a confession, I haven't seen all the episodes so I'm confused as to why Abby's back again because I recall her heading back out to find the pilot and other students last time. But either way, she's back and now she's a total bitc*! Sure she got ruffed up out there but holy cow, she did a total 180 in personality! There's certainly a difference between acting tough and acting like a bitc*. She doesn't need to act so distant and apathetic towards everyone.

Hey, it makes for some compelling television though!

Enjoy The Show


I don't know why she's acting like that.
Sure she had a hard time, but it's like she's putting on this tough act trying to get attention or people's pity or something.
She's gotten totally selfish, too. Like thinking that just because she was in the jungle for a few weeks she's better than everyone and can stand up against authority and that the rules don't aply to her. She's making things x1000 harder for everyone.


The episode "Good Luck Abby" showed Abby in the jungle over the course of the days since she left again. She came back because she got injured.


but just cuz abby was in the jungle for like 2 weeks, it doesnt mean that she can act like a b***h. and wow, she is selfish! like REALLY! just because she got injured, she doesnt have to take it out on the group.

-- mmm..Johnny Depp & Johnny Pacar..oh those johnnys! <3


Its not like its the group's fault that she got herself lost and hurt.
What a snob.

She thinks she's so great and can treat them like that, when seriously, it couldn't haeve been THAT bad. It couldn't be that bad that she has the right to treat people like crap.


exactly. it was HER decision to go off alone.
what'd she expect to find out there, daisies and freakin rainbows??


I quote myself:

My current take on Abby-

She leaves with the others in the beginning of the series. Okay. She is found unconsious by our merry group, and taken back to camp. She's pathetic, so we care for her. She leaves again. She acts like a moron and jumps for cover from some falling rocks... right in their way. So now her ankle's broken and by some miracle, there's a stick through her arm. She tries to be tough and cries as she pulls it out. She makes a splint and eats some bugs. She makes her way back to the camp. She mocks Daley as soon as she sees her. She limps all the way to the main set-up. Then, as soon as Taylor responds to another of her snippy remarks, she acts tough and throws her crutch aside to get in her face. Then, Abby decides to start eating our merry band's food and drink their water, all the while claiming that not only have they had it easy, but they act spoiled. She acts like an ominous cow until hay we found a chicken. She steals the first egg and eats it raw, abandoning her previous life of a vegan (but then, she ate the maggots, so who's surprised?). She then sets off to kill the chicken, and only stops when everyone gets in her face. It seems that she has now effectively split up the group. Yay.

Forgive any errors, whether they be grammatical or having to do with the show.



its not that she didnt have troubles
but most of them were her own fault/by her own choice.

and not only that, but it doesn't give her a right to be rude to them.


She was a b!tch acting like it was hard on her. But everything that happened to her was her own fault. She came back like she was some badass who survived the end of the world.

Beater of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team.


Amen. Nobody forced her to go out there and she's acting like it was their fault.

Eric: Was that a dream... or did you just stab me in the freakin` leg?


Thats what Daley said.

Beater of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team.


yup; cuz it's true.

Eric: Was that a dream... or did you just stab me in the freakin` leg?



You're so right! Abby's got problems, but she wouldn't be hurt if she stayed with everyone else. She doesn't have to go all "Lord of the Flies" on them, and I would seriously love to see Daley slap Abby one. I watched "One Last Breath" at work on Friday (lunch time), and felt bad for the chicken...

I do know if I were on that island, as Nathan / someone liking Daley, I'd have gone and stood up for her, and (chivalrous guy that I am) stuck myself in between her and Abby, and tried to make Abby back down...

