on dvd?

I was wondering if you can buy any of the seasons on dvd. I love this show. I want to marry Jackson. ;)


don't we all. ;P lol.

there's a Volume 1 DVD out. It's the first 4 episodes of the 1st season. The Volume 2 DVD is coming out in August.


there was only four episodes in the first season? wow


no, there were 13 but onyl 4 episodes are being released at a time.


and supposedly they're all morphed into one.
yeah, I wish they had the full season on it. And I wish the second one was out, too.

I ordered vol 1 on amazon
and its so late its not even funny. D:

ps. I would also love to marry Jackson. haha
What a babe. <3


"It's the first 4 episodes of the 1st season"
... yeah, should've clarified that. horses321 said it all, though. :)

i ordered mine on ebay a while ago, too. the seller said 8 days.. i'm actually marking down my calendar every day that passes. sad? no. just anxious.


Have you ever seen it in a store? I've been looking everywhere for it!

I don't want to hear that defeatist attitude! I want to hear you UPBEAT!
We're screwed!


I didn't find it in Target so I ordered it from Walmart.com.
I wish they just put all of the episodes into the DVD. I don't want to wait so long for everything.



I am going to go buy it at Walmart, hopefully. It said "Also in many stores" on walmart.com. So I hope its there.

P.S. I love Jackson too! lol.


vol. 2 comes out Tuesday! & yea, get it at Wal-Mart, first off that's the onyl place i could find it and it's cheaper there anyways.


Oooh, hey ! Let me know what's on the dvd? =D like episodes (but it's probably most likely gonna be continuing from the first dvd).. and bonus features. I wanna know before i actually order it online. lol.

Eric: Was that a dream... or did you just stab me in the freakin` leg?
