
when Lex steals the tapes to cover up for someone else,
what was the secret that Lex and the guy watching the tape saw ?


The night before jackson went on vacation (or whatever you would call getting stranded on an island) he went to his old neighborhood and told his friends all the good things that was happening to him. They turned their back on him saying he thought he was better than them. Only one guy defended Jackson. Someone, then, pulled out a knife, and someone got hurt. Jackson didn't do anything, but he was there, which he wasn't suppose to, so he thinks that he will be just as guilty as the guy who did it.

I copied this answer from nikluvscorb .

There are several topics already in this board regarding that question.

Lucas:Pink or blue?
Vanessa:the pink one.I was eating the blue and it made me looks like a smurf.
