What to do?

What do we do now that it's over? We definently can't just forget about this show!


make sure you go there and thank Scott for all the info he has provided, he also did a video that he ahs toe dit and then he'll post, it should be mroe about the 29dwn cast, I feel like I'm the only one that goes there and thanks him and stuff, so make sure he knows others are watching too!


Ohno . I dont know what to do anymore . Aaahh ! HAha I'll probably just buy all of its dvd's [hopefully all of the shows will come out] & cherish them forever. LOL . I miss it already .


I know, I'm alreay depressed it over. It didn't really feel over until the movie aired. Now it's like, there's nothing more to look forward to but the dvds. At least that's something I guess.


Read the books! They are really great. The writers keep with the show's plotline, but add some character development and thoughts the characters have that obviously cannot be portrayed onscreen. Sometimes books can have a negative affect on how you view a show/movie or vice versa, but these books just add another subtle dimension to it. You can enjoy both together or seperate. Personally, after reading the books after I had seen all the episodes made me love the show even more.
