This show is stupid BUT

it is very entertaining to me. its funny. like when the body of the plane rolled onto that kid and the tide was coming in so he was going to drown or something? why didn't he just dig a little hole in the sand right there? Or sit up? suspension of belief or not, it was genius!


I thought that too..thanks for making me feel like I'm not alone...although i like the show


I agree to. Sometimes like when they make the video diaries it doesn't seem believable but I still got addicted to it.

I want a C-O-O-L R-I-D-E-R....


I ended up watching it just because I like Johnny Pacar


I just watch it to make Lost compairsons and add my own Lostish dialouge to it.
So far, I've determined which character is who and so far, I've concieved a recurring happenstance of Sawyer emerging out of the surf sans shirt whenever Melissa sees Jackson with another girl.
