Looking for Muslims in the Muslim World

Looking for Muslims in the Muslim World:
Found one!
There's another one.
Here comes another.
There goes yet another.
Well what'dya know? Here's another.
Found a couple of more over here.
Hey, there's a whole bunch over this way.
Wait till you see how many I found!!!
False alarm, this one is a Chrisian. But his friend is a Muslim so here's another one.
Three more down this way.
This old guy says he's also a Muslim.
So are those kids behind him.
Wow, there sure are a lot of Muslims in the Muslim world.
Yeah I know, I just found a couple of hundred in that market down the street.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Forty two more over here!

And it basically just goes on like this.
Ad infinitum.


I found a few more down this way.


quick, there's one over there ====>




guess what?!?! Another one!!
Whoa, whoa two of 'em right there...
And um...I think that's one of 'em walking down the street
Oh Lord, two more.

Once a goddess, always a goddess.


Reminds me of the TV Funhouse sketch on Saturday Nite Live spotting black people at a Knicks' game.

Look behind you! A THREE-headed monkey!!!!!!


I found Comedy, but then Comedy blew itself up to get 72 giggles.

Have a heart. Please spay and neuter your pets.
