What did that joke mean

You know the Halloween joke "why is there no Halloween in India? Cause they took away the Gandhi" What does that joke mean.

"It's always better to do what's Right, then what's Popular"


It's a pun... "gandhi" kinda sounds like "candy"


know one I know got that joke just because its pronounced gaaa-ndhi (as in car) not GA-ndhi (as in can)


It's a pun... "gandhi" kinda sounds like "candy"
No, it doesn't lol.

"Gandhi" is pronounced Gaahn-dhee.



I kind of wondered if it was meant to be a pun on Gandhi/candy but I've never been sure because the two words have so little in common and if that's the joke it make no sense.


It's hilarious if you're stoned out of your mind on Pakistani hash.

What's the Spanish for drunken bum?


Of course it's supposed to be a play on words, its just ridiculous that Albert's "character" thinks that it will translate properly and that they would find it funny. The only crowd that seemed to appreciate it at all was the group in Pakistan but as fingomania said, it was the hash .


I suspect that joke would fail with most Indians on two accounts:
A) They wouldn't know the word "candy."
2) They wouldn't think making a joke about a revered leader being "taken away" is funny.


Indian's don't know the word 'candy'? Are you *beep* retarded? lol...they have better vocabulary than many parts of the world...of course they know what candy is..

and to the retarded guy who made this thread..it isn't ghandu..it's ghandi..jesus christ go open a history book you dumb *beep* and yes it's meant to sound like 'candy' ..that was the joke.....WAY OVER YOUR HEADS.

-Spoilers are for the weak


I didn't get it at first, either. I had to replay it in my mind several times until it hit me. When you say "candy" the way an Indian might say it, it is supposed to sound like "Gandhi".
