MovieChat Forums > Real Steel (2011) Discussion > How did they get Anakin Skywalker from 1...

How did they get Anakin Skywalker from 1999 to be in this??

I knew jedi's were special but I wasnt aware that they dont age!? My second question is: which one sucks more? I really cant decide if I hate this kid or not. I did just learn someone gave him the curse of having Dakota be his first name. Guess that's not an out of the ordinary thing for parents who push their children into acting to do, name them after Dakota Fanning.

I don't always post on, but when I do I make sure I'm hammered.


I was just thinking that! It is Anakin Skywalker!


Ha, yeah. Can't help but think Anakin when I see him. Couldn't they have changed his hair?


My greatest wish with Real Steel was to have a lot, lot less of Dakota Goya and a hell of a lot more of Evangeline Lilly.


"Wrong movie you chose then" - Yoda



It would have been nice to see more of Evangeline's character; can't say I disagree with the Anakin comparison. Spot on, right there....



He reminded me SO much of Jake Lloyd from TPM too. Though a much better actor, the character was extremely obnoxious, especially early on and in the ring scenes.
