MovieChat Forums > Celebrity Fit Club (2005) Discussion > 'This is the last time I hang out with w...

'This is the last time I hang out with white people'

Can someone explain to me how this comment is not blatanly racist?

goodnight nobody, goodnight mush.



Sommore said it. I've heard that comment before coming from black people and I'm sure it's just a joke.


Joke or not, it offends me. It that was the other way around, they'd have the NAACP up in the middle of VH1 so fast their heads would be spinning.
It's racist. Period.

goodnight nobody, goodnight mush.



I think because they are all friends either race could have said it and it would have been fine (minus Dustin, his ass should stay silent all the time). We don't know their group dynamic, maybe in their group its okay to say things like that. I know with me and my friends its fine.

My friends and I were hanging out, and a few of us are biracial, and we would dance to hip hop and then Britney spears with the same enthusiasm, of course that has nothing to do with race, and then my friend said, "I can't hang / deal with you mixed folks anymore, pick a damn genre and stick to it!" The friend who said that happened to be Caucasian (specifically Lebanese). If it hadn't have been one of my friends, i probably would have been offended, but since it was my crazy friend, I laughed at her, it didnt bother me in the least.
I'm guessing that's how it is with them.


It was a joke people.


I've heard "black" jokes, but a lot of blacks don't like them.



the only person that was complainig about race was dustin. and sommore's a commedian, she talks about race all the time, but she also makes jokes about her own race. she's not a racist at all. you talk about how your so offended by sommore making that comment, but whats really offensive is the fact that you think you know exactly what would happen if the tables were turned. I'm so tired of people thinking that everything we say and do is racist, and that all we want to do is accuse everyone else of being that way. you're taking on the basic idea of racism and making it seem as if all black people are the same, based on what you see by al sharpton and jesse jackson. we're not all like that and its really annoying that someone thinks they automatically know how someone will react based on their race.


" you're taking on the basic idea of racism and making it seem as if all black people are the same, based on what you see by al sharpton and jesse jackson."

Well, it sure would be nice if a popular black person would speak up and say, "HEY, YOU TWO...STFU!"


why should anyone have to. the people who dont agree with them dont even bother to waste their time with them, and thats how it should be. people should have enough sense to know that everyone is their own person


Yeah, I guess all Muslims shouldn't speak up either saying, "hey...we're not like those radicals flying planes into buildings and beheading journalists." Good point, pffffff...


<<Joke or not, it offends me. It that was the other way around, they'd have the NAACP up in the middle of VH1 so fast their heads would be spinning.
It's racist. Period.>>

No. Not really. It all depends on the situation, the intention behind it and how everyone else reacted to it. I'm sure if a comedian (presumably white) said it surrounded by a bunch of black people "This is the last time I hang out with black people" I'm sure they'd all just laugh because that was Somone (sp?)'s intention behind it and everyone laughed.

Seriously, stop picking useless fights.



Honeslty, I was bursting out laughing when Sommore said that. Truth is, I am White.


Sommore is a comedian. She was totally joking, and it was funny. If a white comedian said something similar, it would have been funny in that context, too.


I agree. It is not she is Maya Angelou. She is a comedian, and says things to make people laugh... bottom line.



"If a white comedian said something similar, it would have been funny in that context, too."

Of course it would of been. Don Rickles made a career of telling jokes like that!

CHICAGO ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!


because you dont have to be totally PC 100% of the time if you're just hanging out with friends. it was a joke. chill.

Here lies Dobby, a Free Elf.
Chuck Norris' boggart is Neville Longbottom.


goodnightmoon, you don't have a lot of friends outside your race, do you? When you're around people you're comfortable with and who are comfortable with you, you can make jokes like that. When Sommore said that, EVERYONE was laughing-including the White people. Now, if THEY'RE comfortable with the joke, why wouldn't you be?

You sound like you might have a grudge against Black people.

Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends.




Jamesboland also know as many other people and IDs has a youtube channel. Have a look!

oh yeah...he is really in good shape


Oh my god. It was hilarious! It was certainly not racist. Do you think she actually believes that white people sit around walking on glass?

Its like a blonde joke - people who tell them don't actually think blondes are dumb and blondes aren't offended by them (at least they shouldn't be...if they are they definitely have some insecurity issues).

- Possibly the best horror film I've ever seen!


The OP was just trying to start some trouble. Sommore's comment was just a cynical joke. White comedians make cynical jokes about black people all the time and I'm never offended, because I know the difference between harmless sarcasm and outright bigotry.


lighten up. We all get so PC we're just afraid to utter anything for comedic shock value but we're all thinkin' it. So are we any more enlightened? no


It was a joke. The point is, she was jokingly saying, Damn, I'm doing some *beep* I would never do hanging out with white people. I mean, if you don't have a sense of humor, then you won't get it and it's pointless trying to explain.
