the 'Kevin and Shar' show

they seem to want to shove that down our throats.

"Oh, I'm sorry...did I break your concentration?" {Jules} Pulp Fiction


Yes, and its getting really old. lol


What's so bad is, this is such old news. Kevin and Britney have been finished forever. She's dated several guys since him. I think Shar is probably a nice lady. Whenever I saw her in interviews years ago, she seemed to have a good spirit. So now to see her whining and playing the sympathy card, it's making me start to dislike her.


I don't know. I think Kevin is still kind of douche-like, but that's just my opinion. I will say though that he has a gorgeous face, I never really noticed it before the show.


Yeah, I really hope this Britten lady stops asking Shar about it.
It's her that keeps bringing up the relationship, and when she does, we have to hear Shar talk about it again.

She needs to STOP!! Shar came there to lose weight, not to talk about Kevin.
If Kevin wasn't there it wouldn't even be a topic.


I agree that its the lady that keeps bringing it up. I also think that Shar could have nipped that in the bud a long time ago by saying she was fine with him being there and she has moved on with her life.


imo, i find this storyline to be the most boring one of the show. i rather see tanisha with her antics, jay and his humor, and crazy bobby brown. but the kevin and shar storyling seems to be brought up the most on the show.
