MovieChat Forums > Celebrity Fit Club (2005) Discussion > Tanisha 'I'm the break out star from Bad...

Tanisha 'I'm the break out star from Bad Grils Club'

the only thing you've broke is a scale.
Get over yourself.




She should have said "I was the one that went to jail and got out and my foe on the show took me to breakfast to talk and all I could think about was the waffles" LMAO.... Saying "Son" and "Pop off" doesn't make you a break out star. She has the NeNe syndrome!

I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude! ~Kirk Lazarus~


I wish she wasn't on the show...she's really the only one who is on my nerves.

Why do they always have to have a "Dustin Diamond" type who is mostly there to make a name for themselves and get camera time??? She had NOTHING interesting to say, but the kept showing her. I like everyone else...I hope Tanisha quits soon.


OMG HAHAHAHAHAH! I literally laughed out loud after reading that!!!


I love me some Tanisha but then I watch Bad Girls Club. I wouldn't expect someone who didn't watch the show to know who she was.


Yeah I guess you had to have seen her on BGC to see how funny she was to like her.

"I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? You Complete me!"- The Joker


Her fat ass is disgusting


the only thing you've broke is a scale.
LMAO, that was hillarious. However, I believe when Tanisha said that she was talking about how she was the star of the show which she was. She was hillarious and dramatic and made the show funny, but if she meant break-out star like she is a celebrity or something, then she is delusional. She was hillarious on the Bad Girls Club, but I don't consider her a celebrity, maybe she's a D-lister but idk.

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Maybe she just meant that she was the one everyone talked about during her season. That is pretty much true. Although at the reunion show that year, she told this girl she was arguing with, "I am fabulous and I am famous." lol I wouldn't quite go that far. Fabulous, yes. Famous, not so much.


Maybe she just meant that she was the one everyone talked about during her season. That is pretty much true. Although at the reunion show that year, she told this girl she was arguing with, "I am fabulous and I am famous." lol I wouldn't quite go that far. Fabulous, yes. Famous, not so much.
I remember that part. It was funny. she's not famous, well known maybe, but definitely not famous.

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I loved Tanisha on the show, and yeah she was the star of her season. That's what she means.

But she's no celeb. She not even on a list. I still like her though....


I agree with missnyc completely.
If you want to show your support for Bayou_Man's mom make this your signature :)



LOL. I only know who she is because they make fun of her on The Soup.

R.I.P Stan. My human hating, sexy, cowboy.



I never heard of her or the Bad Girls Club either. I had to look her up when I saw this show last week to even know who she was. And from I seen so far, not really disappointed I havent seen her before.


You really have to be more familiar with her, or have seen her or BGC, to appreciate her. lol She is a riot to me.


She was the BEST on BGC, I wish she would cuss someone out on here so all the people who didnt watch BGC could see what we're talking about

6 billion people in the world. 6 billion souls. And sometimes, all you need is one.


Yeah, Tanisha was great on The Bad Girls Club. She was always in somebody's face cussing them out, and she is hysterical. I heard that she got into a fight with K-fed on the show, hit him, and got arrested, but that's probably fake.

If you want to show your support for Bayou_Man's mom make this your signature :)

