MovieChat Forums > Celebrity Fit Club (2005) Discussion > Bobby Brown? Clean? PLEEZE!

Bobby Brown? Clean? PLEEZE!

He keeps saying that he is clean from drugs but is using alcohol! Alcohol is a drug honey.. you are not clean at all! Nice try! All 12-step programs agree with me!


and quoting what Jay said last night- if they're drinking this much on the show, how much are they drinking at home? and i aint no tee-totaler but i think i would abstain when im being filmed.


I do not get how they can want to drink knowing the next morning they are going to be doing all that working out. Wouldn't they feel like crap while they were trying to do all the physical stuff? Why do that to yourself?


I doubt he's clean too. Life really caught up with him. He looks used up.


Bobby looks drugged up.

"Death is too easy for you, BITCH!...I want you to suffer."


He's long been drugged up,JMO!!!!


i was behind him in line @ popeyes in late '08 and i thought he was some homeless dude until he turned around and started talking to me....i don't believe for a split second that he's been clean for 3 years...!

he was entertaining tho.... he randomly broke into song and dance about biscuits and honey packets several times.

for the sake of humanity, i hope that ur a troll.


^Dude that story is epic. lol

I don't blame him for being happy about getting his popeyes cuz that's exactly how I feel everytime I eat there.

"I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? You Complete me!"- The Joker


lmao! u know?! i've almost done a lil jig after gettin' some catish nuggets myself...

for the sake of humanity, i hope that ur a troll.


Poor thang. It's obvious that he didn't get a damn thing from that divorce from Whitney. He just had another baby this past year. Whoever decides to procreate with Bobby is crazy as hell. Well you know, he do what he wanna do.

Whatever you planned for me. I'm not the one.



And you know Dr. Drew is quick to snatch up a celeb if they so much as inhale the aroma of a beer. Brown better stay out of those liquor stores.

Whatever you planned for me. I'm not the one.


I feel sorry for Bobby Brown. I know it's his fault he got addicted to drugs, but I think people give him a hard time and he's been taken advantage of. Even Whitney Houston, that bitch blames him for getting her hooked on drugs. But from what Bobby and several other people have stated, Whitney was already an addict when they got together. I believe it. Everyone thought they were an odd couple, but apparently, she was pretending to be a certain way to the public. The drugs are probably what brought them together in the first place. Maybe it's because I grew up on Bobby Brown. I was a little girl when New Edition came out and was always a fan. So I kind of get a soft spot when I see him in interviews. When he mentioned how hurt he was that "Superhead" filmed him sleeping on her couch and put it online, because he "thought she was a friend", I felt for him. Then he said that Whitney and he were still close friends. Not long after that, Whitney went on Oprah and told her that he got her hooked on drugs..............But I do think he needs to get himself sterilized so he doesn't make any more babies. He's got enough children.


Whitney can't blame Bobby for her drug abuse. Even she said that no one makes her do anything she doesn't want to do. Whitney isn't a passive woman in case people forgot.

MMA Fighter
