MovieChat Forums > Celebrity Fit Club (2005) Discussion > I never thought I would say this but...

I never thought I would say this but...

Federline is starting to grow on me. He doesn't take himself seriously, he admits his mistakes and tries to better himself and he is a really laid back kind of a guy. I think I would actually be freinds with him in real life.


Yeah, he doesn't bother me. I never really had a problem with him to begin with though. I like him a hell of a lot better than his ex-wife, that's for sure.


So you didn't like him before? Was it cause of the drama.
Even though I understand why people are sympathizing with Shar, he was never that bad to begin with.

I agree, he does seem very relaxed & laid back. He's one my faves on the show.


I never really understood why he got such a bad rap to begin with. I don't really remember but was he still with Shar when he got together with Britney or something?

I have always thought he was hot and my respect for him really went up based on the fact that while Britney was acting like anything but a mother, he took the kids. I am not saying he is perfect but at least he has his kids with him. Can't say the same for Britney.


Yeah, I dont know if he actually left her for Britney either. But Shar was pregnant or had just gave birth(?) when Kev & Brit began dating.
She basically gave birth by herself. In a situation like that, you can understand why people sympathized with Shar.
She already had another kid with him & he was going to marry someone he knew for less than a year & he never got married to Shar.
I guess thats why. I'm sure Shar has her faults too.

I never had a problem with him cause if that, There are so many more guys like that out there lol!


I never actually cared about him, I saw him as a bit of a gold digger but I have to respect him stepping up and taking the kids when Britney went crazy.

He used to be a cute guy and face wise he reminds me of my husband.


I think he cheated on Shar with Britney. Shar didn't find out about their relationship until she saw it on a mag cover. Britney talked about this before. She also didn't know he had a child and a pregnant GF. However, she said when she found out she didn't care because she loved him.


Apparently, he is now with some chick named Victoria Prince & she's pregnant. Who knows!?

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.• Kristine






Well, he's not a drama queen having hissy fits like some of the other "men" from past seasons. That's refreshing.

Whatever you planned for me. I'm not the one.


I would feel better about him if he would just ACT like he gave a crap about Shar. She IS the mother of two of his children for goodness sake! I know that they are being careful because they don't want to give the impression that they might be getting back together but he could at least LOOK like he cared. He just sits there or stands there with that "I could give a sh!t" look on his face. I know that this is probably editing too.

All that being said, I am liking him more than I thought I would, too. He isn't as big a d-bag as Hollywood makes him out to be, or maybe he is a good actor...nahhhh.

Bless Their Heart! In the South, saying that makes talking about someone OK.



I'm sure some of the same people on here now talking about how much they like Kevin, are the same people who were talking crap about him 4 years ago. SMH

In regards to the Britney situation......I saw Shar doing an interview about 4 years ago on T.V. Shar said that she and Kevin were still together. Living together with her older 2 kids and the little girl she had with Kevin. Shar was about 8 months pregnant. She said Kevin was gone several days and she didn't know where he was. She said he finally came home, and he told her "I was with Britney this weekend"........I'm sure a few more words were exchanged, but she said he basically packed his things and left. This is around the time he first photos of him and Britney surfaced in magazines. So apparently, if he said he was with Britney this weekend, she already knew that there was something going on between the two of them. She said he never gave her a thorough explanation or apology. To this day, I think Kevin still claims that he and Shar were already having problems and broke up before he started messing with Britney. Kevin seems like somewhat of a cool guy........but he did a bad thing that lot's of men do to women. So be it. But it's obvious that he married Britney for her money. He had been with Shar for over 3 years, then he up and marries Britney after a matter of months......But whatever. That was years ago and people change.

As far as him not caring, I'm sure he cares about Shar, but what's he supposed to do? He probably doesn't want to put his personal business out there........and they claim they didn't know the other person was going to be on the show.


You'd be laid back too if you were sponging off your ex wife. This guy is famous for nothing really. He's pretty much a dead beat dad and I'm sick of Shar protecting him.Kevin is a dancer. He needs to get back into shape, go back to dancing. At any rate, he needs a career!


It kills a man to not have something to hang their hat on. Feel successful at. I feel for both of em. Him and Shar go eaten up and spit out by the crazy big monster that is the machine called Britney Spears.


I didn't even know who Shar was till she hit the magazine covers however many years ago. But after watching the first episode of the show, it's obvious to me that she is not protecting him.

One of her issues is that she's still pissed off about what happened between them. Maybe it's because she never got an apology. Or, that she's never said what she needs to say to him. Or, as she says, she didn't do anything but the tabloids took over her life anyway.

Whatever it is, I don't see her as protecting him. It's easy to see she could call him all kinds of dog (and would love to), but she's not doing it. Seems to me, she is just trying to keep her private business off magazine covers.

I commend her for that. Not only because it's the complete opposite of most Hollywood types, but because regardless of what kind of person he is, he's still the father of her children.

If she's protecting anyone, it's those children. And bravo to her.

“If they let Jack do it his way the show would be just 12” –


Plus he's sexy.

"I'm not educated, but I'm a lot of fun!" - Sam Puckett.
