Tanisa is lazy

She could loose the most the fastest.




Ive only seen the episodes running but she is lazy and loosing weight it too slow for her size


I don't think it's fair to call her lazy. Some people lose weight more easily than others. I've lost 35 pounds in less than 4 months (and I'm 36, so it should be harder for me), and I wasn't that big to start with, I'm only 10 pounds from my goal now; my brother is 80 pounds heavier (at only 2 inches taller) and has a lot more body fat than I do, yet as he's been trying to lose weight, it's happened a lot more slowly. Metabolism and fitness level come into play. When you're so out of shape like Tanisha, you're not going to burn as much because you don't have the stamina or energy to push that hard. I think that's why Federline is losing so quickly - he's not that far removed from the shape he was in before he gained the weight, so he's gotta be better conditioned.

Let us take the risks of peace upon our lives, not impose the risks of war upon the world.


At her weight she barely has to move, and she can just change her diet and she will drop it fast.
Her attitude stinks. She is one of those people who is like "Wah I'm fat I want to loose weight!" "What I have to stop eating big meals, and whatever I want?"
Yeah it's how you got that way.


Trust me, I understand that. I was small my entire life and then I got complacent in my 30's. Next thing I knew I had gained 45 pounds - it happened so gradually that it wasn't until I saw a photo of my fat self that I came to terms with just how big I'd gotten. But the difference with me is the fact that I HAVE been small for all but a year or so of my life. Knowing where you once were means knowing that you're capable of being that size. If Tanisha has been big for a very long time, those eating patterns are going to be harder to change. I ate like crap for a year or two; she's done it like her whole life. Plus, Nicole was the one scarfing down nachos & tacos and sucking down wine, not Tanisha. Talk about lazy.

Let us take the risks of peace upon our lives, not impose the risks of war upon the world.




There were posted on another board I am on. I'll see if I can dig them up.

Edit: Here you go....




She really does look pretty good in those pictures.

Not sure about her mental break through. I did hear that she get Harvey really pissed off on the show. That doesn't surprise me knowing her.


You can tell Tanisha had not done any type of running in years, if ever. When she runs, she looks like she is sort of hopping. LOL

I don't think there's anything wrong with not being used to dogs though. I don't see what that has to do with her lack of physical activity. Some people don't have contact with animals. Then you have people who sleep with their dogs and kiss them in the mouth. Ya'll know who you are.LOL


Crazy dog person, right here. You just described me perfectly. lol I wanted to give the dogs hugs when I saw them. lol They were muzzled anyway, weren't they?

As for Tanisha, its obvious that she sucks at running and basically exercising in general, but at least she is trying to change it now. I was surprised that she had such a hard time climbing that rope ladder, considering Kaycee and Kevin were bracing it. It was probably a lot hard than it looked.


LOL! You wanted to give the dogs hugs Jennifer__Libby? LOL I could see getting a warm fuzzy feeling by looking at a Cocker Spaniel......but German Shepards? You must definitely be a dog person!LMAO Yes, they were muzzled. But dogs can still hurt you. I remember running from a dog as a little girl.....the dog pushed me down and he didn't try to bite me but when he pushed me he cut my skin deep with his nail and I still have the scar decades later!

What was funny to me is how Kevin took off running when the dogs got near!LOL

Yes, Tanisha is trying and I love her........but she's sort of bizarre!


Yikes! I wouldn't care for dogs either if that happened to me! I thought it was funny that Kevin tried to shut the door and one of the dogs got into the cage with him. lol

I love Tanisha, too. I didn't always like her that much but she grew on me.


Used to have a German Shepherd. She was my baby. Best watchdog I ever had. Very protective of my daughter. She was my 'doggy nanny'. Would not let anyone in the yard unless I gave the say-so. Never bit anyone.


Yeah, you can tell she really wasn't concerned about her weight till now.
The most she's probably ever did was probably walk.



But look how fat those people are on biggest loser. Most of them are well over 50 per cent body fat, yet they seem to jump right into the vigorous physical activity! Imagine if they made her do the stairs.....But that's probably what she needs!


but on the Biggest Loser those contestants live on ranch the entire time and are closely monitored. If they don't lose the weight than the run the risk of getting sent home. The people on Celebrity Fit Club only go once a week and it's up to them to eat right and find the time to work out.
