Shar + Kevin

I find comments on this board interesting and somewhat weird (maybe ignorant...yea, more ignorant).

You have people on here talking about how they don't understand why Kevin got a bad rap ...are you serious?
He left Shar for Britney while she was still pregnant, and on this show when Shar fell on her back he didn't even go to see how she was because she was on another team .

Then you have many, many others who think Shar is obsessed or still in love with Kevin, I don't see it.
If anyone remembers, when asked if she wants to get back with him her quick reply was a no. She didn't think about it, she just said a flat out no!

Also, has anyone forgot there is a lot of editing and lies.
Lie maybe Kevin speaks of Shar more than we know but it's cut out.
I think Shar and Kevin knew they would be on the same show, no different than bobby Brown and Sebastian Bach.
C'mon y'all. you can't be that stupid.

if you can't swim, you bound to drizown; if you fall you better pick yo punk a$$ up.


In all honestly the swiftness of her answer to the "Do you want to get back with Kevin?" question was a huge indication that she probably still harbors feelings for the guy. Almost sounded like she was trying to convince herself of what she was saying.

Gordon is alive


In all honestly the swiftness of her answer to the "Do you want to get back with Kevin?" question was a huge indication that she probably still harbors feelings for the guy. Almost sounded like she was trying to convince herself of what she was saying.

i don't get your reply. her swiftness and in how she answered it sure nuff convinced me that she was over him as a partner.
He is the father of her kids so it's not like she could completely ignore him because their kids are gonna ask about him.
She has to deal with that while dead beat Kevin could do what he wants.

if you can't swim, you bound to drizown; if you fall you better pick yo punk a$$ up.


I can't make you "get it". Just calling it how I see it.

Based on my past relationships with women where they claimed to be done with me, yet we're back together and vice versa I can kind of see the same thing in the way she handled her response.

Like I said, it seems like she was trying to convince herself of what she was saying.

Also, do you really think she would openly admit that she did want to be back with him in the forum? It's pretty apparent that the one thing they both have in common is that they want whatever is going on between them out of the public eye.

Gordon is alive



I'm sorry I ever brought this up. lol I still thinks its annoying as hell that they concentrate on their relationship so much. So sue me. I also acknowledged that it is also the fault of the counselor (and most likely producers) asking her about it. I didn't know there were so many people with such strong feelings on the subject of Shar and Kevin's relationship. Personally I barely know who Shar is and never thought much about Kevin, good or bad. I can't stand Britney so I never followed their whole story that much.



She wouldn't be so quickly weepy if she didn't still have feelings for him. You get no vibe of "Thank God that loser is gone" from her at all. And the quick "no no nono I don't wanna be with him" I would chalk up to "Me thinks she doth protest to much." I didn't believe her.

I feel for her. I empathize with her. I'm on her side..but no I don't believe her.


She's probably still upset about it because it was all over the media. All people know her for now is for being the girl that got cheated on by a backup dancer for Britney Spears. That's embarrasing. ANd then to have everyone you meet bring it up like it's any of their business is just more salt to the wound.



Even though I dont think she wants him back, I can see why a lot of people do think so. My sister thinks its harder for a woman to get over a guy, especially when she has kids with him.

Her relationship only ended cause he was cheating on her. If he wasn't with Brit, they probably would've been together or their relationship would've ended another way. When people have kids with each other, they're more inclined to want to work it out.
So yeah maybe she does....


I know Shar's said that she's over her relationship with Kevin & that she doesn't want to get back with him, but after last night's episode, I can't help but think that she ISN'T over their relationship or him. If she was she wouldn't be bringing up the fact that "5 yrs ago" she was in a relationship. Every little thing leads back to her & Kevin's relationship.

*I feel like I'm in Derek Zoolander's Center For Kids Who Can't Read (or spell) That Good*


>>>I find comments on this board interesting and somewhat weird (maybe ignorant...yea, more ignorant).

Ummm...what did you EXPECT??? lol
I'm thinking most of the people that come on here are younger than 20.

>>>You have people on here talking about how they don't understand why Kevin got a bad rap ...are you serious? He left Shar for Britney while she was still pregnant, and on this show when Shar fell on her back he didn't even go to see how she was because she was on another team .

What he did was bad, yes, but he's still completely opposite of what the media makes him out to be which is a HUGE douchebag. Out of everyone THERE he seems the most sane.

>>>Then you have many, many others who think Shar is obsessed or still in love with Kevin, I don't see it. If anyone remembers, when asked if she wants to get back with him her quick reply was a no. She didn't think about it, she just said a flat out no!

She IS obsessive. Every freaking time she gets into a interview it's always, "Kevin, kevin, Kevin, Kevin, Kevin, etc!!!"
The show is about losing weight, we don't want to hear about your emotional problems a GAZILLION times. Kevin hasn't once talked about her which I'm happy for. It's getting to be an OLD topic, but she keeps bringing it back. It's extremely annoying. If you really are over Kevin and HAVE moved on, stop bringing him up and thinking of him as someone who cheated on you and start to think of him as your children's father.

>>>Also, has anyone forgot there is a lot of editing and lies.
Lie maybe Kevin speaks of Shar more than we know but it's cut out.
I think Shar and Kevin knew they would be on the same show, no different than bobby Brown and Sebastian Bach. C'mon y'all. you can't be that stupid. \

Why would they cut it out? We heard Shar's rants constantly but they don't show Kevin's at all, who (admit it) is more famous than she is? If that's true, than you're wrong in thinking he's a doucebag, aren't you, since we never get to even HEAR his side.
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