MovieChat Forums > Celebrity Fit Club (2005) Discussion > Someone put these 'celebrities' in their...

Someone put these 'celebrities' in their place!

I was laughing at Tanisha (sp) and Sebastian going at it last night, first he has the nerve to make fun of HER hair, and then they trade barbs about her being a "Reality show nobody" and how he hasn't "been hot since 1990" You know what? They're both right! I've never heard of this woman before Fit Club and I'm pretty caught up on pop culture, she is not a celebrity. Sebastian was cool in 1991, but let's face it, that was almost 20 years ago. The long, unkempt hair and "I'm a crazy rock guy" isn't cool when you're 41, it's kind of sad. None of these people are A-listers, in fact, most of them are more infamous than famous.

"You sold me queer giraffes and I want my money back!" - Gladiator


Same with Bobby as well!!!


LMAO @ Sebastian calling Tanisha a reality show nobody! CFC is Tanisha's 2nd reality show. Sebastian has been on A LOT of reality shows: Supergroup, Celebrity Duets, LA Ink, Celebrity Rap Superstar AND Gone Country! Who's really the reality show nobody?

*I feel like I'm in Derek Zoolander's Center For Kids Who Can't Read (or spell) That Good*


I know, I'm surprised someone didn't call him out on that, if it weren't for reality shows he'd be as forgotten as the guys in Slaughter.

"You sold me queer giraffes and I want my money back!" - Gladiator



"I'm a crazy rock guy" isn't cool when you're 41, it's kind of sad.

I understand what you mean with the other statements, but honestly, what is he supposed to do? Is there a rule that states once you hit 40, no matter who you were in your 20s and 30s, that you have to cut your hair into a conservative style and start dressing a certain way? Yeah, people grow up, but that doesn't mean you have to completely change your style or tastes.


No, you don't have to change everything you are, it's just there is a way to pull it off with a little more dignity, like Jon Bon Jovi or even Mick Jagger. Sebastian is stuck in the 90's.

"You sold me queer giraffes and I want my money back!" - Gladiator
