MovieChat Forums > Celebrity Fit Club (2005) Discussion > Shar and Kevin's story is OVERPLAYED.

Shar and Kevin's story is OVERPLAYED.

At first I thought their story was interesting and exciting to watch, but now its just ridiculous. Literally EVERY episode their issues are mentioned. I'd rather have the show focus on other issues rather than Shar and Kevin's. I would be much more into Shar and Kevin's story if it was shown sporadically, but not every single episode. Its just getting old, overplayed, and extremely repetitive.


I fast forwarded the show both times Shar spoke (the group meeting and weigh in). I cannot listen to it anymore.


I agree. Even if she is still hurting (understandably) as much as it seems on the show, and I know that you need to get it off your chest, for your recovery, but damn. It's like YOU are bringing that stigma onto you now. yes, what happened to you is screwed up, BUT, if you want to not be associated with that and want that to be your past, STOP BRINGING IT UP. I don't know what happened with that situation, frankly, I don't care. But, she can't keep whining that thats all people see her for, then not shut up about it. Bring something else up, if you don't want thats all people know you for.



i never was a fan of the shar/kevin story.

it's the same old. shar talks about it. the camera zooms into kevin who looks disinterested. i feel for shar but she's gotta stop bringing it up so much.

i rather see tanisha and sebastian.


I agree. Even 5 years ago, when all this sh#t was going on, and on every cover of every magazine, I wasn't interested in it. Not to be insensitive, but If anything, this whole ordeal has given Shar exposure. I remember her back when Moesha was on, although I really didn't watch the show. But I never knew her name until the whole Britney Spears scandal. Not to take away from the fact that she is an actress, but I think at best, she's gained lots of opportunities and attention she wouldn't have gotten had this whole scandal never happened. I agree with whoever said, Tanisha and Sebastian seem to be the most entertaining of the bunch. I like Bobby too though.




To Tha_Shiznit, yes I originally enjoyed watching their story just because I hadn't really heard much of it before. I don't really follow celebrity's and their lives.

But I do agree that Sebastian and Tanisha are more entertaining, and I'd like to see more from them.


Hell yeah. They're both hilarious.
I was originally watching for Tanisha, but Sebastian is cool too.


It's not Shar's fault or even Kevin's for their story being "overplayed". They keep bringing it up in their faces what are they supposed to do, ignore the questions? Shar said in the first episode that her and Kevin are cool but they keep their distance at the same time.
I'm sure both of their goals is mainly to lose weight and stay fit. They're not there for the drama or to chew each other out but this is a VH1/TV show and it wouldn't be one without the drama and ratings.

Whatever you planned for me. I'm not the one.


OMG this is so annoying.

