I love it when they pose!

When the contestants are on that rotating thing, dressed in small camouflage outfits, with the white background behind them, while their stats are being displayed (weight, body fat percentage, goal weight loss, etc.), I completely crack up at some of their poses and expressions! I especially liked Sebastian's air guitar routine, and Bobby and Jay's mock sexy poses. I think that was my favorite part of the show.

"I wanted to look my best, so I put on my tiger briefs and did a sit-up." The Critic


Yes, Jay's was the best. I was in tears.



Jays first one is sooo funny.


Jays is priceless! I don't think I will ever not crack up when I see that!



Sommore's dancing from a couple of years ago is still the best one, IMHO.

"You sold me queer giraffes and I want my money back!" - Gladiator


That first pose that Jay does cracks me up!!! And I like Bobby's too.

I would never leave you. I would never hurt you. And I will never stop loving you...


It looks like a video game, when you can pick your characters/avatars or whatever they are called. They look cheesy as hell, but it is funny.

Never had a drink that I didn't like; Got a taste of you, threw up all night


Kevin's tattoos look stretched out.... Thats the downside of gaining lots weight when you have tats.
