Harvey's Coins

Harvey gave Bobby Brown a "Marine Coin," which he gave to Ross Matthews before for their hard work. He says they are rare and special coins... who else things he's getting these coins out of gumball machines?



But he also said "I dont give these to just anybody" which is true, two guys in a few seasons isnt just anybody. He must have at least a few. Which could still prove them rare because I sure dont have any...do you?

Team Russell for Survivor Heroes Vs Villians starting Thursday February 11th


LOL, OP!!!


To me if they are marine coins they should be given to marines only and not cheapened by giving them to overweight celebritites who met their weight loss goal of 3 pounds for the week!!

What did Bobby ever do to earn a coin like that? He's drank vodka, ate fried chicken, 2 bags of potato chips and thats just what we know about. What is he being rewarded for- by being given the coin?

I think Harvey just wanted to have bragging rights that he gave Bobby Brown a coin.
