Shar needs to ....

......stop talking about K-Fed. I understand that he did her wrong, but seriously she needs to move past him. He's not worth it and he doesn't seem to care too much.

-Tom Cruise: Listen Matt, You don't know the history of microbiology!! I do!-


So she's supposed to internalize all of that hurt and public humiliation. Forget that, I say she should talk about it until HE cries. He should feel guilty for not being a man. He just up and left the mother of his children. And even worse Shar was the one people were making fun. For years she was the butt of jokes. So I say she hasn't voiced it enough. She has barely mentioned his name when she's discussing her hurt. Other people discuss their pain to, the only difference is we don't know who they are talking about.

She will get over him, as soon as she gets all of that off of her chest. She has the right to let it out. I actually want to hear a full detailed account of what happened.


I agree she needs to let her frustration out, but she should save it for a therapist. Forcing people who really don't care about the situation to listen to it almost every time she opens her mouth is a bit irritating.



To SweetRibbit and CriticExtraordinaire

Well he married Britney and didn't treat her any better. He used her for her money and fame and made sure she had his kids to set himself up for life with alimony and child support. When he left Shar she did not have to pay him a damn thing. He left with what he came with "Nothing." Shar was obviously the smarter one of the two without a doubt. As for him putting a ring on it, Britney more than likely bought her own ring lol.


If I didn't know any better I'd say that Brit is still paying for Shar's kids, too through Kevin. I bet she isn't hurting over that.

You don't think of them as human, you don't think of them at all.


I'm on the fence with Shar. I can see why she's upset and hurt with the whole situation with Kevin, but at the same time it's like she brings attention to it. She says she gets bad publicity, but she uses whatever attention she gets in the media. Years ago when rumors surfaced that she was back with Kevin and pregnant by him, she (rightfully) responded to the rumor but went as far as to take a photograph with the negative pregnancy test. Kevin gains weight, she makes a statement to a tabloid about it. She gets plastic surgery, her story is in a tabloid. I'm hoping she gets everything about Kevin off of her chest and moves on publicly at least.



When you "play house" with a dude and neither of you want to get married whilst having kids, don't be surprised to see him planting his seed all over town.

As if getting married is a deterrent for such a thing.

If you are reading this, you have just lost The Game.


I defintely don't think she should internalize all of her pain and public humilation, but I also think she should give it a rest every once in a while. It seems like her whole purpose for being on this show is to get back at K-Fed and Britney and neither of them turned out too well at the end of the day.

I suspect that she may have other issues going on as well. For the record, she was not the butt of jokes for years. K-Fed and Britney were.

-Tom Cruise: Listen Matt, You don't know the history of microbiology!! I do!-


You guys, you have to remember that there's a lot of editing in these shows so I'm sure she's not talking about him every minute of the day. They could've shared a laugh together off camera and we wouldn't even know the difference. I'm sure she's not as hurt as they're making it seem on camera. She's there to lose weight and get her groove back not stick it to K-Fed. Please.

You don't think of them as human, you don't think of them at all.



I think she still wants to be with him.

Gordon is alive


You guys do realize that whenever she talks about Kevin it's AFTER someone asks her about him or a situation pertaining to him, RIGHT? Even in those on-camera interviews, one of the crew members is asking her questions to get a certain answer.


I cut her some slack earlier about being asked, but it has gone beyond that now. She doesn't only bring it up when she is asked. At this point, when I know she is about to speak I just fast forward it. I am done listening to it...whether she gets asked or not. I don't dislike her or anything but enough is enough.

Unfortunately, there was a preview for next week that makes me think it will be the Kevin and Shar show all over again. Time to hit fast forward.


I agree with others on here. That woman with the blonde hair, the therapist is the one that keeps shoving Kev down her throat. I remember the whole Brit/Kev/Shar charade. Shar appeared to be living her life, and having fun. I find it hard to believe she has not dated in 5 years. That's got to be a lie. I remember at one point, seeing pictures of her with Quentin Tarantino, holding hands with him, and it appeared they were dating. Which is EEEEEEEEWWWWWW! I love Quentin's movies, but he is one of the most hideous looking men I've ever seen in my life!LOL


I'm with you on that, Mermaid!


Did she really date him?
