MovieChat Forums > Celebrity Fit Club (2005) Discussion > Perhaps this has been said...Nicole E. v...

Perhaps this has been said...Nicole E. vs. CAST

If I was a member of the cast who truly qualifies as overweight, I would be really p'od at Nicole's presence on the show. She is my height and 130 is an ideal weight for someone our height. She looks just fine as she is.


Maybe. I'm sure they were confused by her presence, (I know was), but now that they know her reason for being on the show, I dont think they're pissed

They acknowledged that she is already at a healthy weight. I think she just wants to lose a bit more.
There's about 15 lbs for every weight range. She probably wants to get down to her lowest.

For my height and age, healthy range is from 150-169. I'm 158 now. I wouldn't mind losing 8 more pounds to be at 150....


It's Celebrity Fit Club, not Celebrity Fat Club. They acknowledged at the start that Nicole is not overweight, but that she is unfit due to an unhealthy lifestyle, which is what she's aiming to correct.


She'd better get that wine guzzling in check or Nicole will soon be joining the "Celebrity Liver Transplant Needed" Club.


Actually when you think about it, Bobby and Sebastin arent fat either. I suspect all three of them did this show for the same reason that Erin Moran (Joani Cunning on Happy Days) admitted that she was doing the show last year. Harvey asked her "why are you here"? and she said "I Need the money". She did have some weight to lose but she wasnt like Tanisha or some of the others from past seasons who definitely were overweight.

Nicole could stand to lose 5 or more pounds. She does have some weight down low (below the waist) compared to a normal looking upper torso.



I can see where Nicole would come on the show. She does seem like she is carrying some extra weight to me. I was actually surprised that she only weighed 130. I'm taller than her so I guess I am not that educated on how someone as short as her would carry their weight. More than anything, the show probably offer the motivation she needed...and also exposure considering she is totally irrelevant these days.


Nicole doesn't look overweight, but she is still clearly out of shape. However, I think her biggest issue is the alcohol. Like someone said in another thread, she should be on celebrity rehab instead. She is still a pretty woman, but if she keeps up the drinking she will look worse.
