The scales DO lie.

Measuring body weight is a horrible way to tell if your diet is working or not. The scale weights everything. If you are retaining water, solid waste, etc. You weight can differ by the time of day, as much as several pounds.

They say they weight in once a week. But it's impossible to tell if they have lost weight by a matter of a few pounds.


I think they do fat percentage as well.



<The scale weighs everything.>

+ clothing, jewelry, shoes.

Weighing naked is the way to go.

"Oh, I'm sorry...did I break your concentration?" {Jules} Pulp Fiction


Depends on who you are talking about. Remember Bone Crusher from a few seasons ago? That is something that I would not like to see.

Now as far as Nichole Egert goes, I think we can live with that. :)


Well, to each his/her own. I was speaking more in general terms. Didn't necessarily mean any of these folks.
{although I did have a schoolgirl crush on Sebastian Bach}...

"Oh, I'm sorry...did I break your concentration?" {Jules} Pulp Fiction


I have two words to say against nude weigh ins . . . Chaz Bono. Nuff said. :) LOL

They seem to weight in the same kind of cloths each week, but still it's hard to measure body weight by just pounds. It depends on how much water, and solid waste you are holding at any given time.

Body weight goes up and down all of the time. Even when nude. I am just wondering how they are so sure they lost the 3 pounds or not. The show does not seem to promote healthy weight loss. I have been loosing weight for a year now. I am not in a rush, because there is no race. I each pizza once a week. But the rest of the week, I count every calorie. You CAN eat a bucket of fried chicken, and still loose weight, as long as you control your intake through out the week. 3500 calories is a pound of fat either way.


LOL Kimberly, I would have liked to see Sebastian weigh in the nude at one time myself.

I agree though. Weighing naked, first thing in the morning is the only way to go. I mean, aren't they wearing heavy combat boots? I hope they allow for all of that. Then one week Jay was wearing a big ass gold necklace. How much did that thing weigh?



I'm not sure if it depends on your activity or what you have eaten or what, but I know your weight is totally different at the end of the day than you do in the morning. That's why I always weigh first thing in the morning. I like the number to be as low as possible. lol



LOL....That's true. It does make a big difference when you have clothing and shoes on. Plus if they had anything to eat or drink before getting weighed, that will make a difference too. And water weight plays a huge part. I am very small and weigh 105, but if I don't take my prescription furosimide and weigh myself, I weigh up to 5 pounds more.


Which brings me to my point. How can they issue a weight loss goal of 2 pounds, and be able to tell for certain that even if the scale says they weighed 5 pounds heavier that they did not burn 3 pounds of fat?

A 4 pound per week weight loss goal is not healthy either. It's too fast.



As far as people saying "don't their clothes, boots take up weight," I always assumed the way they do it is- before the weigh in ceremony, they weigh them in their underwear somewhere, and that scale at the weigh in ceremony isn't a real scale... I mean, if you look at the way the number jumps, it bounces back and forth between numbers that are higher and lower than the person's actual weight for like 5 seconds- what scale does that? I have 2 scales in my homes and they both just instantly tell me the number.



You may be right. That scale on the set may be just for show, and they do an offical weight in before the show in more controlled set up.

