MovieChat Forums > Celebrity Fit Club (2005) Discussion > Therapist who sat with Kevin

Therapist who sat with Kevin

Do you guys think it was inappropriate for her to ask Kevin all those personal questions? Yes, he *beep* up and made a bad move by going to Britney and ditching Shar while she was pregnant, but these are really big and personal issues that needs to be dealt with between them or a therapist off screen. I think she made him really uncomfortable. She had some truth in her words though. "It's hard to like you when you show no remorse." Kevin seems to bottle up his emotions and causes some people to view him as kind of smug like. I don't think he's smug at all though.

Did anyone notice when Kevin said, "Me and Shar are still cool" and notice Shar's reaction to that statement how she glared at him and rolled her eyes? I think Kevin is just trying to avoid having to talk about the issues on screen, and I can totally understand. He knows they're not really "cool" with each other, he's just trying to avoid all the questions.

I think a lot of his haters are pretty quick to judge. I feel kind of bad for him. I mean, I can understand people being mad at him for what he did to Shar, but a lot of people thinks this guy is smug and doesn't give a *beep* about what he did because of his reaction to whenever Shar talks about what happened. Like I said before, I believe kevin simply bottles up how he feels, and I could see it from the recent episode. I'm not trying to defend Kevin, nor am I a fan or anything, but give this guy a break.


That fat turd face bitch is getting on my nerves!! Kudos to K-Fed becasue he has great people giving him good advice not to reveal any personal issues on a reality show! VH1 don't give a damn, they want to see mud slimging and tears all for ratings! K-Fed's name has been drugged through the mud far more than Shar so that bitter, crying game twat truly needs to STFU!! She wants him back and don't want to admit it! Her heart is open to an ex of hers being the type to use her as a back burner lover constanlty going back and forth to her for money, housing, sex until the real woman he wants to be with comes along! I see Fit Club is like Dr Drew bringing up past relationships weather lover or family for ratings!



At this point I like Kevin a lot more than I like Shar. She's annoying as hell. He always has to come up every time she speaks. Has no other person in her life ever pissed her off?


And to be frank, WHY was he the ONE who was chosen to speak to the theapist-big mistake to have them both on at the same time-this is a show about LOSING WEIGHT-so why all the personal questions about past relationships-what does that have to do with losing weight?!!!

You can tell that when Shar brings up her "issues"-you know it's all geared toward Kevin. You can also tell the cast mates are very uncomforatable as well.


"WAR is OVER-if you want it!!!"...*John Lennon*




No, he's not.


I have my opinions about Kev also, but it seems like he's trying to right his wrongs. I don't think Shar is bad for being emotional about the situation either. She's become famous for being the woman he dumped for Britney. And she still has to have a relationship with him for the sake of their kids. So of course she keeps saying they are good friends. But its obvious she's been scarred. I don't fault her for it.

Regarding Kev, I have to check myself before just assuming he's a jack ass. We only know so much about their situation. and it seems they are trying to work it out. Everything else is none of our business.



I used to love Starting Over! I really wish it was still on. Wasn't there a different life coach for the final season? Or maybe it wasn't her that was there to begin with. Either way I miss that show.

