MovieChat Forums > Celebrity Fit Club (2005) Discussion > Are these new celebs that ignorant??!!

Are these new celebs that ignorant??!!

There all like "I can't believe how mean Harvey is. What's wrong with him??????!!!!". This show has been around for about 5 years. Didn't these people ever watch it? Didn't they know or have someone tell them about the show? I'm sure they must have heard about Harvey through the grapevine considering all the celebrities that have been on the show throughout the last few years. Very strange to say the least!!!!

CHICAGO ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Right!!!! YOu'd think they'd at least screen a season or two before signing up. Instead of being all shocked and appalled.


I've been watching this show since the 1st season and they always do the "OMG Harvey is so mean, he's an Marine" shtick. I remember last season they were all shocked that they were going to be in boot camp, didn't they realize that the bus they were riding in had the words "Boot Camp" painted on it?!



Harvey used to scare the sh#t out of me. He never smiled, never seemed to have a sense of humor, nothing. Now, he cracks jokes, laughs...........not quite the same appeal as before. I think it was better when he was scarier.



Right? Harvey is kind of like Simon Cowell in that respect. They both used to be really mean and critical, and now it's like they feel bad or something. I don't get it.


Ehh, they're a bunch of fools. Half of them don't seem to know their ass from their elbow. They are an entertaining bunch but Rhodes Scholars they're not. Only Kaycee and Jay seem to have a clue. Probably thats the reason they're the captains of the motley crews!

CHICAGO ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
