MovieChat Forums > Celebrity Fit Club (2005) Discussion > And I thought Nicole was rude!

And I thought Nicole was rude!

I can't believe Sebastian voted Tanisha the dead weight. Wow. That was low.


My jaw dropped when he said that. And this was after he found out she had been injured on the hill and not on the road coming back to the finish line.

What a TWERP!!!


In all fairness, Tanisha, is like the boy who cried wolf. She whined so much through the entire season anyway. So when she really was hurt, nobody paid any attention or showed much sympathy. I like Tanisha, but she bitched and moaned and cried through the entire season!


Maybe so but he voted for the dead weight after Harvey explained what the situation was with her.


Just because she injured herself doesn't mean that she isn't dead weight. She was the dead weight on the team. It may have been rude for him to say it at the moment.
