This movie is false!

Anyone who says they like Edie Sedgwick based off this movie needs to do their research. The man portrayed to be Bob Dylan was not Bob Dylan. Notice how the whole time in the movie they never once said his real name. Edie never dated Bob Dylan, or at least that's what Bob says. It's meant to be factual. There are some rumors that they were together but whether or not they were together, the person who is meant to be Bob Dylan in this film is like I said, not him. She dated his friend Bob Neuwirth, though she did have a crush on Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan was so offended by this movie, because they made it seem like it was his fault that she was on drugs and that she later died. He wanted to see the movie before they let it out in theaters and on DVD. And I'm sure if Andy Warhol were still alive, he would be offended as well. They made it seem like it was Andy's fault too. By the way, Edie got pregnant while she was at Silver Hill, Bob never got her pregnant.

I love both Andy and Edie and I couldn't choose one over the other. Edie was a hoarder. She did drugs way before she met Andy. It wasn't his fault. Try reading his book: The Philosophy of Andy Warhol from A to B and Back Again. Andy Warhol was a great person, as well as Edie. It wasn't fair that this movie made him seem like such a horrible person.

And I find it annoying that people use photos of Edie Sedgwick quoting everything Sienna Miller said in Factory Girl. Those were quotes said by Sienna Miller portraying Edie Sedgwick. If you want to quote Edie, then quote the real Edie. Watch interviews of her, read books about her, etc. Don't put judgment on her based on this film.

(Not that this matters, but I do sincerely love Hayden Christensen whether or not he falsely portrayed Bob Dylan. And you have to admit, he looked gorgeous doing it!)



Agree pinkfreak60. Finally watched this film and it was a complete disappointment. The only interesting thing was the rather good recreation of the silver Factory as a set. The film itself was a mess.


So if the Musician wasn't based on Bob Dylan then why did Bob sue the movie makers causing them to not use his name and changing some facts to distance him? BTW Andy was a leach that was good at creating a persona that got interesting to people that have no creativity themselves and jumped on his train because they found him abstract. He was a hack. A con man.... He fooled them all...


he tried to sue them because then insinuated that he was not only partly responsible for her death he was also responsible for getting her pregnant, use your brain.

This movie is 100% utter *beep* unfactual, hollywoodised *beep* that is a *beep* stain on Edie and Andys memory and Bob Dylans reputation.


K well opinions make the world go round. I personally thing Edie was the biggest loser here. The rest had their agendas.



It does say *Based* on the rise and fall of socialite Edie Sedgwick


If andy was a 'con artist', then he is easily the most brilliant one who ever lived! Consider how famous he was, and still is, many years after his death. How many artists out there would dearly love to have his name brand and recognition? Not to mention sales (well into the hundreds of millions of dollars)!


The Bob Dylan insinuation may not be true but it gives Edie a bigger cache than she had. Dylan claims he can't remember even meeting her, let alone being involved with her. They probably used it to link her to two famous, legendary men (not that I care much for either of them) rather than one, otherwise she would seem even more insignificant. I suppose they could have left it out completely and spent more time depicting Edie post Warhol, 'balling' bikers in exchange for drugs while being in and out of institutions as per Stein's book. Thank God they spared us that!

Nicole Kidman is heavier on eyeshadow than emotion - The Paperboy Review, Variety


So why did he write 2 of his most famous songs about her if they weren't close?


I can understand your annoyance at the liberties taken. FWIW, the movie made me feel compassion for all of them, and I think any insightful viewer walks away feeling the same. I didn't think that any of the major characters was to blame; rather, thought that certain people spark destructive behavior in each other, and that's sad.

Also fwiw, I think most people know to take this movie with more than a grain of salt.

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."


The problem, according to the Post, is that Sedgewick's brother has been claiming Dylan was a big love for Edie and that, once he left her, it was all downhill.

Comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable

