You're kidding, No?

A 900 day siege in which hundreds of thousands of people die is to be used as a backdrop to two western journalists love story? the Russians don't count? We can't relate to their stories so we have to invent our own?


This is NOT a love story - I have been watching it now. This is very much a siege drama with some fantastic performances by current Russian actors. Sorvino and especially Byrne are also in good form.


The synopsis is not very accurate, that's why.


As long as there are great battle scenes and accurate equipment, tanks, etc., I'll be more than happy...the Russians have a better track record than we do on this.


I guess that, in producers' mind, the public will not identify with people who aren't from their culture - see Last Samurai and so on.


yes, the 105 minutes of seige is a mere backdrop to the 5 minutes of western journalists' love story

we can't relate to Russian stories, so we invented our own, and then convinced a Russian production company and a Russian director to make a movie replacing their story with ours

makes perfect sense, no?

Surreal Cinema:
