I just don't get it

Just watched this movie and honestly, I don't know what I watched. Did I miss something? I found it so boring and I really don't understand any of it. What was the point of the fortune teller? I'm really confused.


it's about the inevitable, running from your destiny, jada jada.
it didn't exactly get my juices flowin either but i did enjoy it, tho i am a bit biased as i am a big guy pierce fan.
what didn't convince me was all this bs with his past bringing him to the brink of suicide. and what was the sudden epiphony? a piece of advice he'd already heard... whatever


The moment he was told he was going to die in the immediate future I pegged him as killing himself. His epiphany, then, was that if he were to kill himself that he would never find out what it was that was destined to kill him.

And it couldn't be himself, because he doesn't actually want to die. He actually has a pretty good life overall.

He was never at the brink of suicide. He was frustrated, he pointed a gun at himself, but then he realized he was being foolish. Not just for pointing a gun at himself, but for sieging up in a hotel room, and being generally paranoid. It was his own paranoia that got him into this situation in the first place.


So what hapoened at the end?
