MovieChat Forums > Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) Discussion > do our UK friends get upset over this on...

do our UK friends get upset over this one?

Since Yanks play all the animals but the humans are British & so is the setting (I guess). Didn't bother me but a certain segment gets all upset over the "Brits are always the villains" thing even though Anderson made this in the UK & I'm sure Gambon and the other Brit actors weren't forced to record their voices here.

Expansion to your ego.


Willem Dafoe is the rat.

Noah's Ark is a problem.


Excellent observation! What does it have to do with my post?

Expansion to your ego.


Seriously, what does that have to do with your post? Rat was the villain and he was narrated by an American,Willem Dafoe.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


It never even occured to me. I've seen this film twice now and not once did I think a book I read tens of times as a child was outrageous because they used American accents for some of the characters. I can't remember off the top of my head, but something tells me in the book it's somehow clear that it's supposed to be set in the UK?

Regardless, now that I'm forced to think about it, I'd say they used actors with distinct accents in order to "sell" the film better. What's the point casting George Clooney as your lead, not actually showing his face, and making him sound unrecognisable by him using a British accent? That'd be nonsense. You might as well hire any old Joe Bloggs off the street of Portsmouth or something. You can hear it's George Clooney (and many others) and that gives it a more sort of Hollywood movie feel - IMO.

I make mistakes, and you just say, it's growing pains...


It bothers me that there is an oppossum in rural England. Maybe he's an escaped pet.
