Is this a family movie?

I've seen this movie like three times already, but I'm still not sure if this is supposed to be Anderson's contribution to the family movie genre (a movie mainly for kids that adults can enjoy too), or if it's supposed to be a movie for adults that intentionally emulates a typical family movie template (you know, an animated movie with talking animals and stuff like that, but with the twist that it is actually meant for adults). Can someone tell me which is it?

There's a difference between a film that kids and the entire family CAN watch, and a movie whose target audience is kids and their family. The film is very innocent, but its themes and situations make me think that kids weren't on Anderson's mind when making this film. I say this is a film for adults with a family friendly overall style, but not really a film meant for kids.


It's a family film, plain and simple. I don't feel either children or adults were the preferred audience.

Can't stop the signal.


To be honest it's more of a movie for adults. There's nothing offensive in it, but really kids prefer things with bright colours and CGI. Also the jokes are mostly verbal, cultural references. which only adults will "get". There is not much of the physical humour that kids like.


This is a film that was aimed at children but made for adults! Kids will be entertained for 90 minutes and will enjoy the talking animals but everything from the jokes to the animation to the dialogue is for adults! Adults will enjoy this film more than children.


It's a Wes Anderson movie. It's never for children, unless they are having a dull, maddeningly monotonous childhood and somewhat disturbed minds. It's never for adults either, unless the adults have grown from the aforementioned children into depressive, lifeless, wrinkled beings, the passion of whom had been sucked out by neroticism and replaced by supreme indifference.
So, no, it's not really a family movie.


Nah. Kids love the wacky animal characters and adults love the more subtle humor.

Any family will enjoy.

Let's be bad guys.


It is family friendly in the same way as Dahl books.

It's that man again!!
