Confusing scene.

My question concerns a situation with possible spoilers. If this is important to you, read no further.

I just recently rented The Cutter, and overall it is a satisfactory film. Impressive considering Chuck's age. But one scene in particular threw me off, and I’m curious to see whether or not anyone else feels the same way.

During the scene when Norris and the cutter's daughter are snooping around the house, the "unknown man" (later, revealed to be an Interpol agent) comes around the corner and blasts Chuck with a tazer gun, knocking him out, saying something to the effect of "you saw nothing" to the daughter, before heading upstairs and disappearing.

Then it cuts to a scene of the cutter having an Auschwitz flashback, then back to the house where Norris and the daughter continue on as if nothing had happened at all.

I had to rewind it to make sure the dvd had not skipped a chapter, the other possibility being that I had somehow missed the connection. But indeed, no information is given as to why Norris finds it a seemingly everyday occurrence that a stranger attacks with a tazer gun. Wouldn't he at least ask the daughter if she saw anything? Wouldn't he at least have something to say about it? No more mention of this is made until the scene when they find the Interpol agent dead, and Norris says, "that's the guy from earlier." Amazing.

This discrepancy is completely ignored. Now, to be honest, this isn't THAT important considering that all Norris films require an amazingly heavy suspension of disbelief, but even for Walker, that is pushing it.

Maybe to the "facts" crowd, this makes perfect sense, but I’m well versed in Film-Norris (fan for over 15 years), and that was the first time that i've ever been left wondering "what happened there?" without a comedic element to validate it's insanity.

So, what do you think?


It wasn't really a discrepancy, there was a scene earlier, or later, where someone said Interpol was on the case. That dude was Interpol as we later learn.

As for Norris finding it a freak occurrence, so far that day he'd been shot at and had a fist fight, so a little tazering wouldn't be a shock. Remember something else, it is just a movie.


some puny tazer can't shock or hurt Chuck Norris, the tazer didn't put him down, he just wanted to take a nap.


It's because the guy who tazes him is his brother... Must be a common occurance around the house...


I'm with you. That was a very odd scene.

