
What a great film! The entire cast, yes, every actor in this picture, was amazing! If you're reading this, and wondering whether or not to see this movie when it's released, the answer is a definite YES!!!!! I won't give anything away, but just know, you won't be dissapointed.



Captain incredible,

Yes, you will see Lacy! She gives a remarkable performance!!!



when's the release date?? not just the limited but wide??


Dear Janet,

The release date, both limited and world wide have not been comfirmed yet. However, I'll be one of the first to know and I'll post it! The movie is really great!!!!!


thank you for telling me!! I'm excited to see it!!
I'm liking this board because there arent any "haters" in it... lol!!



I saw the movie trailer on the movie website this morning!!! It looks pretty good as a matter in fact but kinda weird.
Anyways, I really hope to see it now. Just in the trailer Lacey gives and incredible performance!! Completely different from her role in Mean Girls.


heck yes she does lacey is the best actress ever and that's the only reason i'm gonna see this movie


What is the website for the movie.I would like to see the trailer.


same here i wanna see the trailer also

I Love Hayden Christensen & Cillian Murphy!!!!!


here it is


Thanks, This looks like it will be good. I saw them make the scene with the lady throwing the guy out the door to the ground. It was shot at the end of my street.


why would a terrorist go to so much length for a lousy junior senator? this plots has been done numerous times before and will simply be praise for US govt and negative/shallow generalizations or Arabs/Muslims. Oh well I am not worried its just more of the same.


I was just wondering, if you have seen Fatwa. If so, where?

I would appreciate a response, please!


I have only seen the trailer and read about the film however the plot,characters and action all point to a stereotypical film with an old plot.


I believe you will be surprised!!!!

"Would we live our life differently, If we started at the end?"~Diane


good to see that the "US govt" is still cranking out movies...



oh they've been doing it for quite some time now and probably will be for quite some time later...

~ TX


I saw this at a film festival last summer and it really has nothing to do with praise for the US Govt and rehashing generalizations. It aims more to humanize both aspects (the terrorist and the government), and as such I really wouldn't be surprised if it is never released in theaters.


how come you've already seen it?!!?!?!?

sounds like ure a promoter!


Dear Soliel Sunny,

No, I am not a However, I did view 2 separate sceenings. So, I have seen the finished product.



What is the rating for this movie..




bitter, eh?


Whats wrong with going straight to video??? Most Indy films never even leave film festivals. At least this ones actually being distributed! Realize that this is a Indy flick and most indy flicks don't have *beep* for actors. Your lucky to get one b-actor in a indy they have a pretty solid cast here and somewhat of a good story. I agree that the this chick writing on this thread is a little off her rocker but down the flick cause of her. I saw the movie at Omaha and I thought it was great. Action thriller that will entertain you for a good hour and a half. Nothing more nothing less.



I would well imagine an "R" rating, due to some bad language and adult situations.

"Would we live our life differently, If we started at the end?"~Diane


what kind of 'adult' situations?
it looks like lacey's character will be doing coke and maybe more..


Hey Holla,

Yes! Lacey's character, does do some pretty hard core drugs. However, the language and sexual situations would be enough to give the movie an "R" rating.

"Would we live our life differently, If we started at the end?"~Diane


Is Lacey involved in the sex situations?? or language?? tell me!


In my dreams...

I hope in movies too but I've learned not to hope *TOO* much (or else she woulda already done a lot of lesbian roles with JLH!)


seems like they took all the actors from "All my children" the TV show. I don't know what is so special about this movie. Sounds like crap. Just another movie to create hatred amongst each other. Like we need more of that.


Just by seeing the trailer, it looks like crap. The story is played out media-frenzy. The acting was sub-par for a soap opera. It's got the cinematography you'd expect to find in a cheap porno. And the trailer gave away everything.

It looks like just an anti-muslim film in general, fanning the flames of hatred. THen again, maybe I'm wrong, and this movie isn't as religiously and politically xenophobic as I think. Maybe it gives full and realistic protrayals of islamic citizens throughout America and the rest of the world. But going by the trailer, I wouldn't hold my breath...


“why would a terrorist go to so much length for a lousy junior senator? this plots has been done numerous times before and will simply be praise for US govt and negative/shallow generalizations or Arabs/Muslims.” ~ aamirabbas

I don’t know the answer to your first question, but perhaps you could shed some light on why Teddy Kennedy (senior senator mind you) is still in office… Oh, that’s right, he’s against the war on terror! Silly me. ;) As far as the “negative/shallow generalizations or (on) Arabs/Muslims” is concerned, it’s apparent that Al Jazeera does an excellent job of portraying that they’re not generalizations at all, but in fact, facts. Surely you realize that they (Al Jazeera) do that on a daily basis, don't you?


“Maybe it gives full and realistic protrayals of islamic citizens throughout America and the rest of the world.” ~ starman5k

Maybe it does…we’ll see.


It's an interesting movie, despite it being another political "anti-terrorism" drama/action(?) film. Personally the wife and I are looking forward to seeing it, especially after meeting Brian Gurley (Director of Photography). We met him in a TGI:Friday over in Alexandria, VA a while back. Of course we didn't know who he was, we actually thought he was just a "student"; since he had his backpack and laptop. Being the geek that I am, the convo started about his computer. He then told us that they were filming a new movie out in D.C. and we should visit him and watch (They were shooting scenes in Union Station). But of course we couldn't.. but all the same, we will watch the movie when it comes out! Can't wait!


Not so special movie. I just watched the trailer at the official site and was unimpressed. The acting looked forced, the traler gave away far too much of the plot and in no way did it build suspense, worst of all- it looked as though it was filmed with a home video camera.

I will reserve hope that the movie may hold merit when watched in full, but the official website does little to present it in a positve manner.


I will agree that the trailer dose give too much away (that is unless this is the most dramatic, suspenseful, and complex movie ever made). As far as the camera work is concerned, from what I can gather this is an independent film and was probably made on the cheep. This of course dose not automatically mean poor quality (see Kevin Smith’s “Clerks”). And, as far as earlier posts concerning stereotypes and hatred are concerned, did we watch the same trailer? A parent finding a scapegoat to deal with the loss of a child may be cliché but not a stereotype. And, let us remember most clichés become such because they are true. An almost understandable motivation for otherwise inexcusable violence against innocents.

wherever you go, there you are


I saw the trailer and didn't really get the impression that it's anti-Muslim or anti-Arab. I'm not sure, but it seems like she might be having an affair, plus her daughter's into drugs. It looks like both of those things are being used agains her in some way, and in the hands of certain people, couldn't that open up just as much trouble as a "terrorist"?


It's like anyone can be a terrorist, you know? Her daughter is a "terror" to her because of her drugs and stuff, and if Lauren's character is having an affair then that guy would be a "terror" to her husband. It's maybe about how everything is relative? Sounds interesting at least.


I dont speak Arabic and dont watch Al Jazeera.


Can't wait to see it someday, personally. (I run Angus Macfadyen's website, so I'm a little anxious, lol!)



Angus is so great! Good luck on the website!!


"Would we live our life differently, If we started at the end?"~Diane


I know you've stated you are not a promoter, but how are you associated with the project? Did you work on it? Are you related to someone?

"I look around and notice that only stupid people are breeding."


Dear michaelgerrior,

My sweetie did all the sound design, audio and music placement (Music Supervisor). However, my motto is: "If you don't have anything positive to say, say the bad things to those who won't tell!"

Anyway, I have a bit of an inside tract. I have seen this project from it's raw beginnings to the finished film.

They had a reviewed/private showing in GA and LA. (which went over, great) The director and actors are magnificent! John Carter, the director is brillant! Scott Schafer, the writer is amazing also.

Anyway, that's my association with Fatwa. It really isn't just a run of the mill, terrorist movie. Also, the trailer was nothing, compared to the whole story!


"Would we live our life differently, If we started at the end?"~Diane


Seeing Lacey die in the trailer made me burst into tears. I probably won't see it.


John Carter IS brilliant! A brilliant bullsh**er...I don't know about a brillant director. He's a good guy and busted his butt to get this far and obviously 'worked' his way into directing a motion picture so I'll give him that.


Dear Mikeanderson-3,

Why did you say John Carter is a brilliant bullsh**ter? I haven't seen that side of him; if it exsists!

Also, what does that comment have to do with this film?


"Would we live our life differently, If we started at the end?"~Diane


It's b/c he IS and i mean that as the highest compliment. Maybe it takes that to be a good director but it's my personal opinion that those skills are even better qualified as a great producer. He is that, hands down.

what it has to do with this film was follow up to your comment that he was brilliant. I agree but i don't think we agree on the same thing.


Ok, that's fair


"Would we live our life differently, If we started at the end?"~Diane


Hey Diane...


I know Lacey's character dies (its in the trailer) but i was wondering if her death is graphic? Also, how much screentime do you think she has? Thanks.

Black Christmas
KatieCassidy LaceyChabert MichelleTrachtenberg CrystalLowe MaryElizabethWinstead.



3/10 - just because I've seen worst.

Bad acting, stupid plot. Not worth the time.


I saw the movie today and it's pretty good. My one major complaint would be the music. Most of just plain stinks. And even wosre than the music itself is where and when the music is playing during the flick. It just never seems to fit and kind of throws off the whole movie. When something sad is happening the music is like a Mexican fiesta, when it's at an intense part the music sounds like it should be part of a fairytale dream sequence.


Just kidding Diane you shameless promoter you. ;) Ihaven't even seen the movie yet but I do want to.
