MovieChat Forums > Fatwa (2006) Discussion > Tired plot ...done numerous times before

Tired plot ...done numerous times before

have the producers never watched JAG or 24 or The Siege or numerous other TV movies with the same plotlines? however I think its good they make as many plots like this as possible so that it becomes routine. That will be best for us American Muslims.


Dear aamirabbas,

How can you comment on a film that you have not seen? This movie is anything but routine!! So, please do me a favor, when you've seen the movie, then comment all you like. I think you'll change you're mind regarding you're "Tired Plot". The movie is so much more and has not been "done numerous times before".


It's all in how it's done, anyway. The plot of Fatal Attraction had been done in just about every detective show of the 60's/70's (Starsky & Hutch, Simon & Simon, etc.). This film could be a bunch of cliches strung together or a taut, original thriller. I don't know. I agree with Diane30084 that we won't know until we've seen for ourselves. I do hope it avoids the stereotypes we've seen too often. That would be refreshing.


Thank you peterdi315,

Indeed experience Fatwa for yourselves! The movie let's you form your own opinion; which is great! I was left with a feeling of sorrow for the "terrorist" actually! I do not think American Muslims, will dislike this film.

Just my opinion though!

Love and Light,

"Would we live our life differently, If we started at the end?"~Diane


Everyone will dislike this film, it is rubbish. A string of tired cliches puts it just about right.

What were the kids about? What were the 2 hardmen about? What even was the senators husband about? By the end of the film we knew nothing about any of them apart from superficial and irrelevant details. Nothing about their real personalities, motivations NOTHING! NOTHING! NOTHING!

The only things we know by the end of the film:-

1. The kids really like drugs of any kind and have no qualms about getting them from a dodgy looking bloke - most people that have money and want drugs are in fact much more cautious about getting their drugs and more clued up - I mean what was that grey looking crap they took at the end? Quality drugs are white, heroin is often a browny colour from the added impurities, but anyone who would snort that dodgy coloured crap deserved to die - especially as they didn't make sure the dealer had a snort before them!
2. People that chop peoples hands off may do random good deeds (if you can call giving a waitress an envelope of money that they had previously stolen from their sister-in-laws house a good deed).
3. The Terrorist lost his kid to american bombs.
4. Terrorists deal drugs.
5. The Senator likes adultorous kinky sex, but thinks she can resume a normal family life afterwards even though she taunted her husband over the phone during it.
6. Sexy westernised arab women may be terrorists waiting to kill you during sex.

That could have resulted in a very formulaic and mildly entertaining film, but that really was all we ever knew, no depth or character development, just NOTHING! NOTHING! NOTHING!

The terrorist was a drug dealer in a clear attempt to make us believe that drugs funds terrorists and thus drug takers are morally bankrupt terrorist funders.

If this film wasn't produced by rightwing religious fanatics bent on promoting their own narrow view then it was produced by another complete idiot.
