Drug Use

So from watching the trailer I guess Lacey Chabert is a drug addict. I don't know why but that almost makes her even sexier. (if thats even possible)


Use of drugs does not make one an addict - there was nothing to support addiction.


Well from the trailor she was snorting coke or meth so those drugs have dependence on the users. Then looks like she snorts asbestos and dies. I hope she doesn't die, or if she dies it's not until the end.


maybe it was anthrax


Looked like a speedball to me.

Same thing that killed John Belushi.

But it could have been anything - that part is left open.

(BTW: Your knowledge of drug usage/effects is abysmal. Please do not make any drug related statements until you educate yourself, lest your misinformation do someone a disservice.)


TnT123, it's not anthrax!


lol.. douche bag


Its Coke and heroin... and she does die. It is somewhat close to the end.


But she is in a bikini in the pool in this movie...oh yeah!
