... waste your time!
This movie is pretty awful. Basicly fails on every level from the cheap "none movie" look, to the endless boring scenes with nonsense dialog and cut between two closeups... Brutal!


i understand that this is your opinion..but i think you fail to understand the premise...finding yourself within a world of chaos...i think it's a beautiful movie


I second locer96 on that. I found this to be a very entertaining, funny and inspiring film.

Great music as well!


What can you expect from someone who bases their username on frozen urine.


laughed so much :)


"none movie" ?


I gotta agree with YellowSnow. This movie was just so boring. I found Nick Roth painful with his emotionless face and I found myself rolling my eyes every time he ended up in bed with some chick. The terrible dialog and quickly moving storyline just didn't work for me. this film just gave a stereotypical view of the 60's. I suggest you all watch the documentary 'Berkley in the Sixties'.
