A good, intriguing subject

I guess from the synopsis, that the protagonist is a teenager awakening to the fact that his sexual feelings leaning to the homosexual lifestyle. Must be a frightening thing for a young adolescent or anyone, coming to grips with not only hormones but hormones he feels in a way that is still somewhat regarded by half of society as unnatural. Of course, it is natural, just not popular to a certain crowd. And he finds himself moved towards another adolescent. Oh all this and in high school, where some pretty eery prejudices and intolerance can breed sometimes. People got on my back because I wore shades indoors and in classes. I did it because I wanted to just see hoe they would react, how strange people got weirded out by just some kid wearing sunglasses indoors. Some people looked at me with aggitated humor, others looked at me like I was a nut. Maybe I was, but not because I was wearing shades indoors. Very harmless thing as that, and people got upset. So imagine what the explosive indentity crisis and emotional crisis this must be during adolescents. Of course, we had some pretty efeminant guys in our high school and no one really seemed to bug them much. Sure some got teased behind their backs, which is not great. But I can't remember anything cruel being done. Some of those guys were in the Drama Club, too, and one guy I can think of was actually quite a good actor.

"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"--Michael Palin, Monty Python.


Sounds interesting, though it'll be controversial if it's a hollywood production.


It's likely another of Cam's well-textured shorts. I look forward to it too.


Hey this is malcolm and I have been casted as logan the main character!
Iv'e read the script and it is very thought provoking.


hey! i know malcolm! we werent really friends because we didnt really know eachother but he was in my yearbook class in 7th grade. he seemed really cool though. CONGRATS MALCOLM!


Malcolm, Congradulations!
Wait, the script is 'provoking'?? How so??? Please share!!

Who else has been cast??
Has everyone already been cast?


ha ha, this one is really nice!:) do you people really believe that this guy is actually the real Malcolm?! if I call myself "Jesus" what would you do then, believe it also?:D wow...



I want to see this, just because I went through the same exact thing. It's like a movie about me! :D


I agree about it being a good sunject for a film. Too bad the film, itself, is so very bad. And, no: before anyone makes any assumptions, I'm not homophobic. I'm actually homosexual, myself. I ordered iton pay-per-view because I thought the suject matter was so worth exploring. To say that I was disappointed would be putting it mildly. A good topic, some very nice acting, but a terrible film because there is just nothng to it.
