
Is there anything in this movie which is contraversial (i.e sex/nudity/violence/drugs/swearing) Anyone explain these scene's


There is one scene at the beginning when Logan is masturbating, you can see his hand moving under the blanket and a sigh when he ejaculates.



it must have been really uncomfortable for Malcolm to film to scenes even though he wasn't actually masturbating since he was 14 or 15 when the movie was filmed. Also when he spills the apple sauce on his pants and after wiping it off the Logan gets an erection, my first thought was that it was someone one else's lap since we don't see his face or arms when showing him getting it.


So you think he hasnt started masturbating in real life until 14, 15? Thats hard to believe.


no of course not. what i was trying to say was how difficult it must have been to act that out in front of a camera crew at his age.


Welll, i dont think he got a real erection.


Yeah. They obviousely used some sort of inflatable device or something like that. I don't know anyone that can just pop one up on cue like that!


Depends on what degree of nudity/violence/swearing you would consider controversial, now wouldn't it?

I got the feeling this movie tried to be controversial. They had two masturbation scenes, two scenes with people in the bathroom, and one scene showing a boy getting an erection after spilling applesauce on his lap. I really didn't think those things were necessary at all, they just seemed to be thrown in there to scream "Hey! Kids have a sexuality! Look at the kids expressing their sexuality!" over and over again.

I wouldn't consider anything I saw as being controversial, but then again I'm european :)

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Ahh... come on... it wasn't screaming "Hey! Kids have a sexuality! Look at the kids expressing their sexuality!". It was showing kids' sexuality. Why is it whenever that's done in the slightest people think it's unnecessary/overdone? And sure, it wasn't absolutely in the slightest, but it wasn't that much either. Just goes to show how little it's still really being shown.

I wouldn't consider anything here as being controversial either, by the way (European as well :P), but I also wouldn't think the movie was trying to be.
