So annoying

this movie was absolutely terrible.

It tried so hard to be "artsy" that it was funny.

This could have actually been a pretty good movie, if not for all of the annoying scenes that were trying to be artsy. It was stupid, pathetic and just seriously a waste of money to make this movie. Malcolm Stumpf is a very good actor though.


The problem was it WAS artsy (arthouse), and this seems to be something you haven't experienced before.


Agreed - people are too critical. Some people can only accept the idea of "artsy" (arthouse) films if they believe them to have to follow very strict guidelines similar to the way they believe mainstream films to need these. That way, free expression wouldn't even be possible with arthouse anymore, since that would be bound again.

Also, it wasn't poor in its expression or anything like that, so why not just say that it WAS arthouse? Sheesh...


I agree with the original poster. This movie was a sad attempt to be "artsy". People need to focus on telling a good story rather than being "artsy" I have nothing against a good artsy film as long as they tell a coherent story and don't use the artsy angle as a cheap gimmick like this film did. Pure garbage. A shame too as I had high hopes for this film.


Guess what? You are allowed to not like a movie. That's perfectly fine. But some of us got it, and some of us liked it.

The budget for this movie was an extremely modest $50,000, and that truly is microscopic for a full length movie. You can only do just so much with such a limited amount of money.

Part of the artsy part is that we are viewing what is happening through the mindscape of Logan the lead character. We are not literally seeing him make phone calls, but we are seeing how he imagines the phone calls. The character Leah, that he uses during the phone calls, allows him to detach himself from what he is doing. He can act with two different personalities. As Leah it is safe to say and do things that he is not comfortable doing as Logan.

Yes, indeed it is abstract, and ...I suppose... artsy, but to those who try to see beyond the surface, it does make sense.

Again, you are allowed to not like any movie you don't like, that's perfectly fair. But some of us really do like this movie, and are frustrated what it is near impossible to find the original Sundance release of the film.


Roger Ebert said - This movie is not about what it is about, but rather HOW it is about it.

It is a movie somewhat in the abstract. We are not seeing events, but rather seeing events in Logan's Mindscape.

Yes, it is somewhat abstract and artsy, but the budget was $50,000. I don't know if you can comprehend how microscopic such a budget is.

I think through symbolism were are witnessing an internal change in Logan. The Leah personality is how he detaches himself from his feelings. It is easier to call Rodeo as Leah, because Logan can be detached from Leah, and that is why we see the phone calls in the abstract. That is Logan's detachment from the situation.

But ...yes... for someone expecting a straight forward linear plot and story, this is not a satisfying movie. However, for someone willing to go along for the ride, regardless of where that ride takes them, it can be an interesting and satisfying movie as myself and many others will attest.


I just watched this earlier today. I do feel that it tried a little too hard at times - the surrealism, while sometimes effective, was perhaps overused, laid on too thick. But the poignant story did draw me in and, while a heavily flawed film, I thought it had its charms, and the photography was wonderful.

I gave it a respectable 6/10 but have thought about it quite a lot since watching it.


I saw this movie at an early screening at a museum in Minneapolis. I think I was 17 or 18. I remember it really spoke to me at the time. I saw it with a friend, my best girl friend who was the only person I had come out to. I was looking for my place in the world and this story of self discovery affected me deeply at the time. It's not perfect, but it was the right movie for the right time in my life. I think I'll watch it again now and reevaluate.


That's a really lovely story, thanks for sharing... Beautiful Thing in '96 was my such experience, which makes me feel old... Wild Tigers is certainly one I'll revisit some time. I haven't been able to shake certain images and moments in the hours since I watched it. A bold and affecting movie, no question.
