MovieChat Forums > Voices of Iraq (2004) Discussion > I think we should stay in Iraq...

I think we should stay in Iraq...

I also think Michael Moore is a fat propaganda machine...

but I still recognize this for the stilted whitewash it is.

C'mon. over 400 hours of footage in a war-torn nation occupied by a foreign army and the only negative opinions you can get out of people is some mild criticisms about "lack of security"?

You're telling me not one insurgent got his hands on a camera?

Not one Iraqui that absolutely hates America got on camera?

Now, I know there are probably a good number of Iraquis that love America to death, and wanted nothing more than for the US to come get rid of that SOB Saddam, but seriously, 95% of these people just can't stop talking about how much they love America.

I will admit, you can't say these aren't the real opinions and feelings of these people. It is genuine. The problem is that this has so clearly been edited with a positive slant to it.

The first 15 minutes of this thing are wonderful. You get some real mix of opinion, lifestyle, etc etc, but after that its all smiles and Yay-America!

You're telling me the Iraquis who want desperately to have enough money for food and to go to school wouldn't sell that $1000 camera for some cash instead? Where did all the money for these cameras come from in the first place? Who made this film? More importantly, who edited it?

There is a good deal of footage from middle/upper class homes with Iraquis who have obviously been educated in Western nations as well. The Englsh skills of some of these people is flawless at times. Where did they learn this? You don't learn to speak like that from TV, I'm sorry, I should know I speak 3 languages, it doesn't come that easy.

Also, how the hell does the President of Iraq and a sheik qualify as "ordinary Iraquis"? How did they get access to these people?

Either there is a lot of the contrary opinion on the cutting room floor, or these cameras were passed around mainly in privaledged upper-class circles. Think about it. Who would you hand the mic to, you're best friend who probably thinks a lot like you, or some guy who you can't stand and think his opinion is bunk? It's what we call intellectual incest.

The questions these camera operators ask is awful too. At one point one Iraqui makes fun of the cameraman asking "Who the hell wrote these questions anyway?"

There's just way too much about this film that trips my B.S. alarm.


well its a propoganda film.. but even if you dont believe or want to ignor that, look at the timeline of the war and when this was filmed, and compare that to the situation now, and all that has happened in iraq since this film was made...
