Matt + Kate - zero chemistry

I watched this for the first time last night, and I couldn't stand Kate (or the actress who played her). She comes off as totally unsympathetic and pushy when it came to her and Matt's relationship. The scene where she was screaming at him on the street - I was thinking, how desperate is this woman that she can't give him the space he needs and find a man who is ready for a relationship?

I also noticed at the end when they show the family portrait of Kate, Matt and their baby, Kate was leaning in toward the baby but Matt was sort of standing off to the side!

Jonathan Schaech and Christina Applegate - who was excellent as Suzanne - were a couple in real life at the time, so that probably attributed to the great chemistry they had on-screen.

I never read the book, but maybe if another actress had played Kate as not being so angry/pushy I would have had more empathy for her.

Last night at the dance, my little brother paid a buck to see your underwear.


I just finished the movie and I completely agree with you. It was a bittersweet movie but I would've been happier with the ending if I didn't like Christina Applegate's character so much more than Kate. Also I didn't know that they were together in real life at the time, that makes a lot of sense now. Though I wish I knew that going into the film, it would've been even sweeter.


Yes, me too! I thought Kate was very unlikable - also, I thought the actress who played her overacted. Nothing about her was believable to me.

And right, zero chemistry between Kate & Matt.

"Sing until your throat hurts, dance until your legs hurt, act until you're William Hurt."


Can't agree. I thought the character was difficult in a number of ways but that made her interesting.
I'm not surprised a lot of people don't like her. However I thought she was very good and certinally atypical when compared to most lead actresses.
