Similar Japanese Films..

I watched Survive Style yesterday and absolutely loved it.. Everything about it was fantastic.. I was just wondering if anyone could recommend similar, quirky, light-hearted Japanese movies?

Also, whilst Im here, does anybody know the name of the Japanese woman who directed the Coke advert which had The White Stripes - What Goes Around as the music.. I think shes a populor Commercials/Music Video Director in Japan..

Thanks in advance..


i loved that movie too, its very entertaining. if your looking for something simular to it i would recommend "sharkskin man and peachhip girl" its not exactly the same but its very bizarre just like this one. kinda like a dark comedy.


I'd recommend Ping Pong -- -- as a quirky and light-hearted Japanese movie (but I wouldn't necessarily describe it as "similar" - it's quite different in style).

"I see a boundary, I eat that boundary, and wash it down with a hot steaming cup o' rules."


yeah ping pong for sure. i got shark hip man and peach hip girl...but i didnt really see the style similarities in it (other than the intro). but ping pong was great and very stylish. most exciting ending.


Ping Pong's my favorite movie.
It tackles on the nature sportsmanship and friendship, built around a film about a KICK ASS SPORT!


I'd recommend "Funky Forest" ( English subtitled DVD is coming out in Japan soon but my guess would be it'll be an instant cult film so chances are it'll get released in other markets.



I've yet to see Survive Style 5+, but I hope it will fufill my expectations.
About the video artist, i think her name was Nagi Noda.


"Shark Skin & Peach Hip Gir" and "Party 7" are definitely directed in the same colorful, wacky style but neither one is as good a film....

Horror-musical "The Happiness of the Katakuris" is much more of a B-movie than "Survive", but it's even more hilarious.

"Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald" and "Always: 3-Chome no Yuhi" are much less "wacky", but they are among the best films that modern Japan has produced...."McDonald" is a theatrical farce and "Always" is a family comedy that swept last year's Japanese Oscars.


How about "Cha no aji:"; and "Katakuri-ke no kôfuku:";?


Funky Forest:The First Contact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Loved Gun by Kensaku Watanabe (no one ever talks about this movie....simply amazing)


Thank you for those suggestions, they both look interesting, especially the second one (dancing zombies?).


I would recommend Kamikaze Girls


I think you might mean Nagi Noda, she also does these things called hanpandas that are really cute.
Omg, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Survive Style soo much, especially that chicken-man and the bit at the end with the Cake version of I Will Survive.
How cool is the magician's house?! And Tadanobu Asano's for that matter. Whenever I watch it I squeal "That's so cool!" aaall the way through.
Ahh The Happiness Of The Katakuris is hilarious!


Ah Thank you all very much for your suggestions.. I have since purchased (and thouroughly enjoyed) Ping Pong & The Happiness Of The Katakuris.. I will keep an eye open for all of your other reccomendations but as of yet, I dont think they have R2 DVD releases..

And yes, it was Nagi Noda.. Thank you very much!


Party 7. Funky Forest. The Taste of Tea. Pretty much anything with asano in it will be most excellent :)

survive style is one of my favorite movies all time. :)
