
Can someone help; what is the name of the song that she sings at the end of the movie?


It's from the Wizard of Oz movie. . .

Optimistic Voices

You're out of the woods
You're out of the dark
You're out of the night
Step into the sun, step into the light
Keep straight ahead
For the most glorious place
On the Face of the Earth
Or the sky

Hold onto your breath
Hold onto your heart
Hold onto your hope
March up to the gate
And bid it open


There was a song in the beginning, I think by Van Morrison "Sara??? Can somebody help me with this?


When Sara and Adam were driving in the car? Well then that'd be...
Brown Eyed Girl

"Who cares what you are...just be." RMG


What about the Japenese song that played? The one that Diane Keaton was listening to on headphones while cleaning.


Yes! I, too, would love to know what the JAPANESE SONG was. Anyone?


I want to know, too! Also any similar music recommendations are appreciated.
Thanks. Jo


"Simple and Clean" by Utada Hikaru


Thanks, Zak!

For the others who were interested, I found the song on her album titled "Colors".


No it was before Brown Eyed Girl. It had the name Sara in it and sounded very much like Van.
