My review

I just made a review of the movie after I saw it. So, if you are interested in what I thought about it, here is the link:

My playlist of movie reviews:


Interesting way to review movies. Thanks for reviewing Miami Vice. It's one of my favorites.

In your review, you asked, "What kind of cred do Sonny and Rico have? Who can front them?"

Nicholas did, remember? He was the guy in the really nice condo. He made the call that got Sonny and Rico the meet with Jose Yero. Their "fabricated identities" did the rest.

Also, one of your complaints was Gong Li is Asian, but she speaks Spanish. In the script, Mann writes that she is "Afro-Cuban".

From the script:

Were you born in Havana?

Angola. My mother was being a
surgeon there. She volunteered.
Mozambique and Mali, too...
(over the wind)
...those days, in those days...she
was part of Cuba's gift to the
third world. She came from a
bourgeois family with a house in
Verdado...we still have the house.
We will go there...
Where's she now?

She's dead...
Crockett looks at her. Her perspective is that of the '60's
and '70's, the politics of national liberation, the
perspective of Marcuse and Franz Fanon.

Your father?

Angolan Military. Went back to the
fighting. Disappeared. Who


What was your mother's name...?

Blanca...a rubio like you.
I see her in a old
photograph from Lucinda somebody's
wedding...everybody is with
couples. Husbands and wives. They
all pose. My mother is alone
because my father had to go back to
the fighting.

ISABELLA (cont'd)
...she looks right into the camera.
She is the most beautiful woman in
the room. By herself. In a party
dress. And she looked like she
knew she would die alone...
She spoke many languages. We were
in Luanda when she died. I went to
her friends in Mali. They sent me
to the Ecole Polytechnique in
Geneva to study mathematics, where
I met Montoya in the discos. He
had banking there...I was seventeen
and very much into the clubs. And
he sent me to University for an MBA
in Finance.

Overall, nice review. By the way, I loved the series and the movie!

I see the works of gifted hands that grace this strange and wondrous land


OK, fine. Good point about the cred thing. But one guy? It is more believable when there are many connections.

I forgot all about the next part 'cause the lack of romance between the two was a lot more distracting to me.

But thanks for pointing them out to me. You have a good eye.


"It is more believable when there are many connections."

That's a good point. That's probably why Jose Yero had so much hesitation during their first meeting.

From the script:

Nicholas said you okay. That's
nice. But how I know if you any good at this sh!t?


Who you run loads for? Cause other than Nicholas, who knows you?

Tubbs looks at Crockett. They thought it was a done deal.

My mommy and daddy know me.

Isabella tilts her head imperceptibly.

And we didn't come down here to
audition. Business auditions for us...
...and know who we are and know
they want their load run by us before Nicholas calls.

That way we do not waste AvGas or
our motherf__king time.

Nice call.

I see the works of gifted hands that grace this strange and wondrous land


More like "cheating" and then getting away with that plot gap.
