MovieChat Forums > Little Man (2006) Discussion > One of the worst 5 movies I have ever se...

One of the worst 5 movies I have ever seen

Yuck! This movie is truly terrible. Not a single laugh. Terrible. Just terrible.


i disagree...

it is the #1 WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!!
it doesn't look like a baby it looks like a toddler with a 30 yr old man's head.
it was disgusting and painful to watch...i feel bad for the people in this movie.



I wish both of you actually explain why. I hardly ever see a good reason why people think this movie is bad.



are you kidding? The thing had sex with the 'mom' even my brother and parents were disturbed and revolted. It was a disgusting, creepy, rude movie. what is GOOD about this movie?!?!?



Okay you just looked at that one scene (which wasn't even shown by the way) and all sudden you didn't like the movie? Sorry, that's not a good excuse. Besides, that "thing" was a midget.

I don't see how this movie wasn't funny.



because they aimed so high to be funny, and the story didnt make sense and was not believeable at all, it was truly one of the worst movies ever made


no i watched the WHOLE movie! and no the thing is NOT a midget or little is a grown man's head cut and pasted onto a child's body. whatever I guess you like crude insulting disgusting movies. Your opinion, im not gonna argue.



because they aimed so high to be funny, and the story didnt make sense and was not believeable at all, it was truly one of the worst movies ever made

It's a comedy, man. It doesn't have to be realistic. Besides, it's not like the story was confusing or something.

no i watched the WHOLE movie! and no the thing is NOT a midget or little is a grown man's head cut and pasted onto a child's body. whatever I guess you like crude insulting disgusting movies. Your opinion, im not gonna argue.

That's how they make the (midget) character. Don't you know anything about special effects? I think you take this movie WAY too seriously because I don't see anyting crude and insulting about it.



okay fine you keep liking it then...In my opinion it was a bad movie and disgusting. That is my opinion and it won't change. End of story.



Yeah, whatever.



The movie is very tired, unoriginal and predictable. As much as I like to laugh at people getting hit in the nuts and watch bad cgi, and have my intelligence insulted this movie did not work for me or anyone I know. This movie relies on cartoon style humor to get laughs. If you still watch cartoons, that's cool, you might like it.



I agree this movie is very stupid. the part where they went to the hockey game was terrible. I know its a comedy but taking a supposed baby to a hockey game where the "baby" gets stomped on by an enraged player (where was the security?) and remember the player is wearing skates... I didnt find that funny at all. just very disturbing and wrong. also later in the movie where the "baby" is fighting the bad guys was also very stupid

I know how you feel, I was beaten in a game of tic-tac-toe by a chicken- Cletus Spuckler


Yeah, this was liquid sh!t. If we elliminate Uwe Boll films, this is on my bottom 5 as well.


Everybody is entitled to thier own opinion; welcome to a free society.

My opinion of this (cough, cough) movie is that this drek should have swept every 2007 Razzie category. The Razzie committee should have even created a new category just for "Little Man"; "Movie most likely written in less than ten minutes by three guys drunk or stoned beyond belief, who honestly believe that thier type of "humor" is funny, but actually burned-out the year before In Living Color was cancelled."


I don't go out of my way to see bad movies, so I wouldn't say that this is the worst movie out there, but it's definitely one of the worst movies I have seen.
I usually forget about bad movies I've seen but this one just won't go away! It truly is an awful movie. Some others I've seen in the last year or so:
The Fog (remake) - dumbed down for the teen market
AVP: Requiem - so poorly made the filmmakers tried to hide it but making every scene (even the day scenes) dark
Van Wildler 2 - talented lead actor could not save a cliched, unfunny mess
The Wicker Man (remake) - so campy I still can't quite work out if it was deliberately trying to be bad
So along with Little Man that would be my worst 5.


Not to make light of the movies you listed or endorse them in any way, but each one of them is LEAGUES above Little Man.

Awful, awful, AWFUL movie!!!




Talk about hyperbole!
