I thought this part was kind of funny

When they check Michelle's passport at the airport and drag her away and she yells, "No, you have the wrong person!" I thought this was funny because there are, in fact, MANY Michelle Browns. Brown is a common last name and also when I first started the movie I thought to myself, I know a Michelle Brown.

the force is strong in this one


I was thinking the same thing! I mean Michelle is a common first name and Brown is a common last name so of course there are going to be plenty of the same name. But I think since Connie had Michelle's license number and all and that's what she used to get arrest that's why they thought she was her.
But a similar part that I thought was funny was when Connie left the bank and the lady was like "that's not Michelle Brown" like she was the only one!

I still pray for Lindsey Lohan.
