Looking under the bed

Do you remember the scene where the dad is looking under the bed?

That was one of the best scares ever in a horror movie. This is an epic scene I will never forget.

(Grissom): -Are you a terrorist?
(suspect): -Depends, are you terrified?


İ totally agree!! OMG that scared the hell out of me!!!!

Tonight's the night


I also have to third that, its been at least the ending of the ring since I got a scare that good.


me too :)))
i've jumped 3 meters


This is the first thing that has *REALLY* scared me in decades! I had almost forgotten what it was like to be really scared, like an electric shock going through your body.

Of course now every night I have to check under my daughter's bed and every time I do, I'm thinking of that scene.

